Homework #1 Read Chapter 33 Section 4
Unit #6 – Contemporary America US History Unit #6 – Contemporary America
Unit #6 – Contemporary America Unit Essential Questions – How can a historian use varying artifacts and evidence to determine patterns of continuity or change in contemporary American history? Concepts/Big Ideas Information Age (Economics 2) Changing American Demographics (History 2a) Globalization (History 1)
Unit #6 – Contemporary America Key Learning – Students will use effective research methods in order to analyze materials regarding the contemporary United States and will draw conclusions as to whether those materials indicate patters of continuity or change.
Lesson #1 – 1980 US Hockey Team Lesson Essential Question America was in a crisis of confidence during the late 1970s and early 1980s. What events began to change America? How did these events impact the future of the country? Vocabulary Cold War Olympics Shah Kidnapped Ayatollah Hostages
Confidence What does the word above mean? Why is it an important part of life? How does its meaning relate to the esteem of a country? Be prepared to share with class.
America 1979 Inflation – 11.2% Average Cost of House - $58,100 Average Income per year - $17,500 Average monthly rent - #280 Gallon of Gas – 86 cents Sony Walkman - $200
America 1979 1976 – US Bi-centennial What emotions or feelings would there be in the country during this year? Jimmy Carter (July 16, 1979) – “Crisis of Confidence” Speech What natural resource does America depend on more than any other country? Oil?
Oil Crisis Why is oil such a commodity throughout the world? Non-renewable resource Where is most of the world’s oil from? Middle East OPEC – Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Cartel of all oil-producing countries
Oil Crisis OPEC
Oil Crisis
Causes to Oil Crisis OPEC – setting oil prices at high levels Carter – creates Department of Energy Asks Americans to sacrifice Looks to different renewable energy resources Coal, solar Iranian Revolution Workers go on strike Shah removed; Ayatollah became ruler
1979 – A Year in Turmoil March 1979 – Three Mile Island November 1979 – Iranian students invade US Embassy; take 52 Americans hostage December 1979 – Soviet Union invades Afghanistan January 1980 – Carter announces US will boycott 1980 Summer Olympics
How can the US recover from the Crisis of Confidence?
1980 – Lake Placid, NY Winter Olympics & US Hockey Team Last gold in Hockey 1960 Dominated by Soviet Union Outside shot to medal
Class Work Documentary – 1980 US Hockey Miracle Answer all questions Due at end of movie Miracle
Checking for Understanding How will the events of 1979 and early 1980 impact the future of the country?
Homework #2 Read – Chapter 34 Sections 1, 2 & 4
Lesson #2 – Ronald Reagan & 1980s Lesson Essential Question – How did economic policy begin to change during the 1980s under the leadership of President Reagan? Were his policies beneficial to the country? The world? Vocabulary New Right new federalism Supply-side economics
Opener Define conservative What does it mean in terms of style? Behavior? Values? What might the word have to do with politics in the US during the 1980s?
1980s Conservative Revolution New Right Supported by middle class Smaller government Cut taxes Rid regulations that limited economic competition Led by Ronald Reagan “Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem.”
Class Work DVD – President Reagan Answer all questions
1980s Conservative Revolution 3 Domestic Issues - Revive economy Cut back on social welfare programs Restore traditional Christian values Reagan – promote economic recovery Reform tax policy Minimize government Move programs to state level
1980s Conservative Revolution “Reaganomics” – based on theory of supply-side economics Necessary to increase people’s purchasing power to improve the economy GIVE BUSINESSES AND INVESTORS MORE MONEY What 1920s policy does this sound like? TRICKLE DOWN THEORY (HERBERT HOOVER)
1980s Conservative Revolution Feb 1981 – Reagan tax cuts October 1981 – 5% 1982 & 1983 – 10% ONLY BENEFITED WEALTHY 1986 – Congressional tax cut Closed loopholes & expanded tax base Benefited rich – cut maximum tax rate from 70% to 28%
1980s Conservative Revolution New Federalism Cut federal funding for programs Programs now run by state and local governments Failed – recession early in Presidency States and Cities were bankrupt Could not afford to pay for former federal programs
1980s Conservative Revolution George H W Bush – 1980 – called Reagan’s economic policies “voodoo economics” 1988 – Ran for President “READ MY LIPS. NO NEW TAXES.” Did not keep promise because of deficit Cut back on social programs Extending benefits for unemployed workers
Class Work DVD – George H W Bush Answer all questions
US Internationalism Reagan – “Star Wars” 1989 – Ending of Cold War Missile defense system ($30 billion) 1989 – Ending of Cold War Conflicts arose Lebanon Persian Gulf War
Class Work DVD – The Persian Gulf War Answer all questions
Homework #3 Read – Chapter 35 Sections 1 & 2
Checking for Understanding Who benefited from Reagonomics? Why were events like this able to occur in the country?
Lesson #3 – Clinton & 1990s Lesson Essential Question – Why were Americans in need of a change in the 1990s? How did America grow and prosper during this decade? Vocabulary Apartheid NAFTA Genocide sanctions
Opener Imagine that you are preparing to vote in the 1992 presidential election. Conservative Republicans have controlled the White House for 12 years. Based upon the issues at the time, what might you be looking for in a new President? Be prepared to share with class.
1992 Election George H W Bush – 2nd Term Ross Perot – Independent Bill Clinton – Democrat “Slick Willie” “Comeback Kid” Election fought on TV Perot and Bush – Larry King Live Clinton – Arsenio Hall
Class Work DVD – Bill Clinton Answer all questions
Economic Initiatives 1991 – Recession & increasing deficit Clinton – “Grow the economy” Budget cuts, tax increases Taxes – mostly on rich Gas tax – 4.3 cents per gallon Balanced budget - 1998, 1999, 2000 Left office with $263 billion surplus
What allowed for the economic turnaround of the 1990s?
US Internationalism in 1990s Yugoslavia – Different ethnic groups fighting for control Slobodan Milosevic – keep Serbians in power 1991 – Serbs, Croats and Muslims fighting
Yugoslavia Muslims and Croatian – secede Serbs resisted Fighting in Bosnia-Herzegovina Serbs resisted Vicious “ethnic cleansing” Eliminate Croatian and Muslims
Africa Apartheid in South Africa 15% white minority segregated and suppressed African population 1980s US Sanctions
Africa 1990 S Africa Prime Minister FW de Klerk released Nelson Mandela (27 years in jail)
Africa East Africa – Somalia Famine resulted in thousands starving to death President Bush sent in troops to help with UN June 1993 – food and medicine distributed US troops dwindled from 28,000 to 5,000
Africa June 1993 – US Soldiers taken hostage UN offered award for warlord Mohammed Farrah Aidid Increased violence against UN forces
Africa October 3, 1993 – Task Force assault on the Olympic Hotel in Mogadishu, in search of Aidid Army Rangers and Delta Force 2 Black Hawk Super 6-1 Helicopters shot down
Mogadishu Mile October 4, 1993 – Troops trapped in Mogadishu over night 6:30am – vehicles roll out of city Some forced to run out of city 17 hour battle – 18 soldiers killed, 84 wounded 1 captured
Class Work DVD – Escape from Bosnia: The Scott O’Grady Story Answer all questions
Homework #4 Entering a New Century, The Disputed Election of 2000, The Presidency of George W Bush, September 11, 2001
Checking for Understanding How was America in the 1990s different from the America of the 1980s? Cite specific examples.
Lesson #4 – New Millennium Lesson Essential Question – How will this new century bring about a change in America? Will the prosperity of the 1990s continue or fade away? Vocabulary Recession Terrorism Al Queda
2000 Election George W. Bush vs. Al Gore
Class Work DVD – George H W Bush Answer all Questions
The Day America Changed September 11, 2001
Class Work DVD – The Day the Towers Fell Answer all questions
Homework Study for Final Exam. Complete Study Guide
Checking for Understanding Terrorism has changed America forever. What changes will there be as we progress further into this new millenium?