The topics that I know well are… The topics I need to focus on are… Questions I need to ask (add to this as you go through)
Key Word Definition The countries owned as part of an Empire. To pay money / compensation. The area of GERMANY that borders France. A German area rich with coal. Germany’s most important industrial area. When a person is forced to serve in the army. A harsh treaty forced on Russia by Germany during WW1. The German name for the Treaty of Versailles. It means they were not consulted and had to choice but to sign it. Term for the union of Austria and Germany. An area where the army is not allowed to go (like the Rhineland.) Where countries agree to reduce their weapons. The right of nations to rule themselves. Woodrow Wilson was called this for having big ideas that weren’t practical. What is left behind after the person / event is gone, i.e. the ________ of World War One meant that people were scared of going to war again. How the government in Germany were referred to by people who were angry at them for signing the armistice. The part of the Treaty that blamed Germany for the war. Anschluss The Ruhr Colonies Idealist Demilitarised Conscription Reparations Legacy Disarmament The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Rhineland November Criminals Self-determination Diktat The Saar Article 231
Activity 3: Treaty of Versailles Quiz What was the ceasefire of November 1918 called? Who were the three most important men at the Conference? What was their nickname? Who was the prime minister of France? List 4 things Clemenceau wanted from the peace. Who was the President of America? Give 7 things Wilson wanted from the peace. What were his ideas for a better world called? What were the 3 main ideas of the Fourteen Points? What was the name for the assembly, where Wilson wanted countries to talk about their problems, instead of going to war? Who was the Prime Minister of Britain? Give 5 things Lloyd George wanted from the peace. Which Clause blamed Germany for the war? What were ‘reparations’? How much were reparations eventually set at? Explain the 5 things the Treaty said about Germany’s armed forces. List 5 areas of land in Europe that Germany lost. What is the word which means that troops were not allowed in the Rhineland? What happened to Germany’s colonies? What did the Treaty say about Austria? test_versailles.htm
Activity 4: Treaty of Versailles Quiz (2) Why did the Germans refuse to agree to Clause 231? Why were the Germans angry about their tiny army? What did the German sailors do to the fleet? How much of its land did Germany lose? Explain why the Germans thought the Treaty was unfair. List 4 things Clemenceau liked about the peace. Why did he dislike it? What two things did Wilson get that he wanted? Why did he hate the Treaty? Two things happened when Wilson went home. What? Lloyd George liked two things about the Treaty. What? What did Lloyd George hate about the Treaty? List the four other treaties of 1919–20. List four reasons the Treaty of Versailles was more important than these treaties What does ‘self-determination’ mean. List 5 new nation-states created by the treaties of 1919–20. Which empire did it split up to make these new nation-states? List four problems with self-determination. test_versailles.htm
Activity 5: The Aims of the Big Three versailles_treaty_revision.htm Person Attitude to Germany and why What they wanted from the Treaty Lloyd George - British Prime Minister Reduce the Germany navy so that Britain’s was the strongest. Georges Clemenceau – French Prime Minister Split Germany up into smaller states to weaken her. Woodrow Wilson – American President Set up the League of Nations
Activity 6: The Terms of the Treaty of Versailles Guilt Armed Forces Reparations Germany lost land League of Nations set up Put the terms of the Treaty into the right categories: Rhineland was demilitarised Saarland was run by the League until a plebiscite (vote) after 15 years Upper Silesia was given to Poland Clause 231: Germany had to accept the blame for starting the war Alsace-Lorraine to France North Schleswig to Denmark after plebiscite Not allowed armoured vehicles, submarines or aircraft Only 6 battleships Rhineland demilitarised All Germany’s colonies were taken away The exact figure Germany had to pay was decided in 1921 and set at £6.6 billion League of Nations was supposed to be an international police force Germany weren’t invited to join until it proved itself peace loving Army limited to 100,000 Anschluss between Austria and Germany was forbidden Conscription banned Alsace-Lorraine to France North Schleswig to Denmark after plebiscite West Prussia and Posen to Poland Danzig was run by the League to allow Poland a sea port Part of East Prussia to Lithuania
Activity 7: Reactions of the Big Three I was pleased with: I was not pleased with: Woodrow Wilson I was pleased with: I was not pleased with: Georges Clemenceau I was pleased with: I was not pleased with: David Lloyd George
Activity 8: Germany’s reaction blame Unfair reparations German Reaction army territory What did Germany do?
Military Restrictions Activity 9: Other Treaties after WW1 peace_treaties7.htm Country Date Reparations Military Restrictions Territorial Changes Other Treaty of St Germain Treaty of Trianon Treaty of Neuilly Treaty of Sevres Treaty of Lausanne
Activity 10: Was the Treaty of Versailles fair? Yes is was fair No it wasn’t fair In conclusion