New Leader (First Timers) Orientation Danaca Jorda/ Rachael McGuffin Executive Board Member & VP-Elect-Elect PDD / Member Services Manager
Agenda Around the room introductions What is a Leader’s Meeting who you are, ISA role, Section and/or Division affiliation(s) What is a Leader’s Meeting What do the colored dots mean? “Introduction” to ISA and Leader Meetings What meetings should I attend as a First Timer? Meeting ‘etiquette’
Introductions Who are you What is your role within ISA What is your Section / Division or Affiliation What is your hobby (or what would you spend free time on if you had any?)
Dots Blue dot identifies you as a “first timer” This gives you ‘free reign’ to ask LOTS of questions What is this meeting all about? Who should attend… Etc. No “Hazing” will result Yellow dot is for members who have been here a LONG time Typically VP or Board members Staff normally identifiable as well
Where is ISA now Research Triangle Park, NC
ISA Organizational Structure
Geographic Assembly The Assembly of District Vice Presidents is the ISA governance body that represents the global geographic presence of ISA in the local Sections and Regions. The purpose of this Assembly is to: Promote efficient and effective Section operations and facilitate interchange of best practices among Sections and Districts. Identify resources to facilitate support of volunteer activities at the Section, District, and Region levels. Provide budget oversight for Society level funding supporting Sections & Districts 28 members plus chair 14 District Vice Presidents & Elects Two year terms
Operational Assembly The Assembly of Operational Department Vice Presidents promotes interchange of information, cooperation, and coordination of activities among operational departments as well as with the other Society groups. The Assembly will provide budget oversight for all operational activities not covered by the Geographic or Technical Assemblies Image & Membership Professional Development Publications Strategic Planning 8 members, plus chair Two Year terms Volunteer opportunities on committees, advisory boards, and as department directors
Technical Assembly The Assembly of Technical Department Vice Presidents promotes interchange of information, cooperation, and coordination of activities among technical departments as well as with the other Society groups. The Assembly will provide budget oversight for all operational activities not covered by the Geographic or Operational Assemblies. Automation & Technology Department Industries & Sciences Department Standards & Practices Department Six members plus chair Two year terms Volunteer opportunities as members or leaders of all standards committees and divisions
Executive Board The Executive Board sets the strategic direction for ISA, approves the annual budget, and acts on matters of policy to advance Society objectives as specified by the Bylaws. The Executive Board is the managing body of the Society Minimum of 16, maximum of 19, plus two ex-officio, non-voting Elected members serve 3 year term Appointed members serve 1 year terms – eligible for reappointment
Executive Board Composition - Society Officers: President, President-Elect Secretary, Past President, and Treasurer are ex-officio, voting members Six with leadership experience in Geographic aspects of ISA Three with leadership experience in Operational aspects of ISA Three with leadership experience in Technical aspects of ISA Up to three at-large members with leadership experience or other background or competencies deemed desirable for inclusion Ex – officio: Executive Director, Parliamentarian
Training & Learning new Skills Leader Meeting Format Start of meeting Executive Board Action Ideas Discuss (committees) Actions Implement Training & Learning new Skills
LDR Meetings LDR identification General Sessions Assemblies Meetings that are intended as ‘training sessions’ to help you become: A better ISA leader Understand how ISA ‘works’ on an international level Provide you with skills you can use at work Colour coded in the Meeting Overview LDR GEN General Sessions GEO TEA OPA Assemblies EXEC Executive Board
More “Stuff” Volunteer Office Registration Desk General Receptions Internet computer, printer, copier Mini-office to help you with you ISA role Can get busy at times 07:30 -17:30 daily Registration Desk 07:30 – 17:30 daily Buy ticketed event tickets General Receptions End of day opportunity to mingle with others “Food” and beverages available President’s Hospitality Suite & Gala After Party Saturday & Sunday evening Opportunity to mingle and meet Often time to discuss upcoming Action Items for Board meetings
Meeting Etiquette Many meetings follow formal Robert’s Rules Unless there are placards or name cards on the table you can sit anywhere Typically Board meetings have assigned seats Unless indicated otherwise ALL meetings are open to ALL ISA members Typically Honors & Awards / Nominations, Compensation committees Board meetings marked as Closed If you get to a meeting and after a few minutes decide this is NOT what you expected you are encouraged to ‘move on’ to another meeting Please do so quietly “Expected’ to sign in to most meetings Sign in sheet circulated Many meetings follow formal Robert’s Rules