The Visual Workplace Visual Controls 1
Monitoring progress towards targets. Visual Information Standards methods, quality, maintenance, material location & quantities. Targets attendance, quality, productivity, cost, uptime & delivery time Monitoring progress towards targets. Problems visual & audible - live or recurring Defects visual & audible e.g. quality care points Information must be highly visible and used to take action when necessary by everybody Visual workplace 2 2
Label everything so others know what they are Visual workplace 3 3
Dirty & Untidy Workplace Visual workplace 4 4
A Cleaner and more Organised Workplace Visual workplace 5 5
The Visual Office Workload Indicator Forms Rack Fax Printer Copier Q Cards Process Map Workload Indicator Cabinet Software Personnel Forms Rack Cleaning Station Incomplete, WIP or Backlogs Procedures Performance Visual workplace 6
The Visual Lab - How Well Are We Doing? Jane / Andy’s Office
Organisation = Efficiency Visual workplace 8 8
Visual Control: Forms Form XXXX XXZZ YYXX ZZXY MAX MIN Visual workplace 9 9
Visual Control: Materials Visual workplace 10 10
QUALITY REPRESENTATIVE WORKSTATION IN OPERATION Andon Light Standards Permanent Blinking (Optional) WORKSTATION STOPPAGE EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN CALL FOR - SET-UP MAN - SENIOR INSPECTOR / QUALITY REPRESENTATIVE WORKSTATION IN OPERATION WORKSTATION IN SET-UP NOTES: - The position of the lights are also a standard - No light means lack of scheduled work Visual workplace 11 11
Floor Marking Standards Colour Specification Red Hazardous waste Yellow Gangways and walkways Blue Material receiving buffer stock Green In process material White Material to be moved Yellow & Black Waste & reject material Red & White Non-conforming material Visual workplace 12 12
Example : Skills matrix Work Bench x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Work Activity x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Person A Person B Person C Person D Person E Person F Person G Person H Person I Person J Legend : Visual workplace 13 Knows Can Do Can Do Can Teach Basics With Help Without Help Someone Else