LEISURE Movies Most Americans escaped reality at the movies Some movies promoted immoral behavior Americans interested in celebrity gossip Americans change trends based upon movie trends Rudolph Valentino – People cried at his funeral, 30,000 women
LEISURE Sports American enjoyed the time, energy, and money to enjoy sports the same way they did the movies. Idolization of sports stars was the same as movie stars
LEISURE Music Dance Jazz and blues popularized by African Americans Sad songs that grew from Southern slave music Jazz Starts in New Orleans Unorganized without sheet music Dance The Charleston Describe it in your notes SHOW YOUR STUFF!
LEISURE Reading Syndicates started Tabloids started Chains of newspapers under centralized direction Tabloids started Newspapers with gossip, scandals, fads etc. Literacy grows greatly due to the new magazines.
THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE African American literary and artistic movement Expressed anger at racism Use jazz, poetry, and intellectual discussions to discuss the state of their race Refused to accept “second-class citizenship.”
THE YOUTH After WWI, America desired youth Fashion & fads New dress, music, & language. Cheap production + advertising = changing society. Fads (going viral) could change any day
THE YOUTH Flappers Women change their image to more revealing and youthful appearance & attitude. Before World War I, women were arrested for smoking or using profanity in public. The flapper drank, smoked, and went joyriding in automobiles.
Compare slide 10 to 11. This is old fashion, slide 11 is the new flapper fashion.
BACKLASH The Lost Generation Writers who attacked American materialism Obsession with buying things and living large They moved to Europe to criticize the U.S. Ernest Hemingway The Sun Also Rises 1926 F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby 1925