Dean Kramer Kyle Borodkin Danny Powers The Building Jump! Dean Kramer Kyle Borodkin Danny Powers
Our Program Do something you couldn’t do in real life. To simulate falling off buildings without getting hurt. Jump 200 feet off a building and land on a trampoline.
What we had to work with Started with a program that you could navigate and walk around in. What we added to the program: -64 buildings -Collision detection -Textures -64 trampolines -Gravity -Ability to jump and bounce
Improvements Better textures Different sized buildings More realistic physics A new road system
What We Learned To program in C++ using Open GL functions to make 3D graphics. Hardest part: Tramp bounce programming We also learned: -Lenticular lenses -Hollywood special effects -CAVEs (Computer Assisted Virtual Environments)
Thank You Dr. Mitch Roth Dr. Jon Genetti Don Bahls Ameerah Muhammad Andrew Lee