Today’s Agenda Number Talk Share your Foldables with your table Chapter 8- Counting and Counting Assessments Chapter 9- Develop Meaning for Operations Chapter 10- Basic Fact Fluency Mid-Term Assignment
Chapter 8: Counting Why are early math skills so important? “Preschoolers’ early mathematical performance establishes a foundation for their future academic success.” –pg. 143 What does a classroom that promotes early math skills look, sound, feel like? Page 143- Promoting Good Beginnings
What does it mean to “Count”? What is subitizing? Why is it important? What is cardinality? What does it tell you about the child? What is counting? What skills are you looking for when a child is counting for you?
Learning Trajectory for Counting Precounter Reciter Corresponder Counter Producer Counter and Producer Counter Backwards Counter from Any Number Skip Counter Page 146 table of learning trajectory. What does this tell you in regards to the development of a child’s abilities in mathematics? What happens if they lack one of these skills?
More than, Less than, Equal to How do you know if a child has this concept and has mastered the skill of ‘more’, ‘less’ and ‘equal’? Page 180
Counting Assessment One example of how to assess counting.
Chapter 9- Developing Meaning for Operations Review Change Problems Page 172 Context Problem Model Draw Numerically solve Multiplication and Division Page 183 Questions: Model Draw Numerically Solve Page 169- addition and subtraction Page 180- multiplication and division
Properties of Addition and Multiplication List the properties for Addition: List the properties for Multiplication: Addition- Associative/Commutative/ Zero/ Distributive Multiplication- Commutative/ Zero and Identity/ Distributive
What are the Strategies for solving Contextual Problems? Kids get hung up on trying to solve the equation. How can we teach them to look for the answer to the question?
Chapter 10- Basic Fact Fluency Phases of Math Fact Fluency are: Counting Strategies Reasoning Strategies Mastery Page 195- look at the table
Science behind math fact fluency and how to teach them
Strategies for Teaching Basic Facts Memorization Explicit Strategy Instruction Guided Invention Use of Story Problems Explicit Teaching of Reasoning Strategies How are these effective/ineffective? What do you use in your classroom? How can you adapt your teaching to meet the needs of your students? Make Tens frames 10s buddies Halves/doubles
Assessing Basic Math Facts Timed Tests are OUT! Observation Interview/Conferencing Written Responses What do I do if my students still don’t get it? Give 10 minute math fact test- note student responses
Mid-Term: Problem Solving Literacy/Math Lesson Plan Presentation Select a piece of children's literature that includes a math concept The piece of literature may either: Deal directly with a mathematical concept or Can be used as a theme for generating problems. The problems should not be simply counting the number of objects in a picture, but involve higher-order concepts.
Mid-Term Continued… Each student will present their book and problem situation in a 10-15 minute Math lesson to their group. A complete lesson plan must be written and submitted using the format provided in the Components of an Effective Lesson and the SNC Lesson Plan Template. The lesson must be taught using methods and strategies acquired during the course. Students will be expected to observe and critique other students’ lessons so that everyone may learn from example and feedback. Copies of the lesson plan must be provided for the instructor.
Mid-Term Lesson Plan Presentation Rubric Components of an Effective Lesson Included (Materials, including technology)___pts./20 pts. Possible Common Core State Standard(s) ___pts./10 pts. Possible Strategies Identified and Used ___pts./20 pts. Possible Assessment Formative and/or Summative ___pts./10 pts. Possible Objectives for all learners-Cognitive Level (DOK or Bloom’s) ___pts./15 pts. Possible Before lesson components ___pts./15 pts. Possible During lesson components ___pts./15 pts. Possible After lesson components ___pts.15 pts. Possible Teacher/Presenter knows concept/content/etc. and was prepared for lesson ___pts./30 pts. Possible Total Points ___pts./150 pts. Possible This rubric is included in your syllabus. I have adapted the actual project to meet the needs of our class, but the rubric is the same.
For Wednesday Chapter 11 Discussion Chapter 12 Discussion