CZ3253: Computer Aided Drug design Introduction about the module Prof CZ3253: Computer Aided Drug design Introduction about the module Prof. Chen Yu Zong Tel: 6874-6877 Email: Room 07-24, level 7, SOC1, National University of Singapore
What is expected: To learn the fundamentals of drugs and pharmacology To learn the theoretical basis of drug design methods To learn through real-case studies, to use drug design methods for solving problems
Labs, Exams and Textbook: Projects: Development of chem-informatics system (25%). Development of a computer aided drug design system (25%). Final Exams (50%) Textbook and web:
Topics covered: Lecture 1-2: Drugs (Pharmacology) and Drug Development Lecture 3: Drug and Chem-informatics Databases Lecture 4: Structural modeling of chemical molecules Lecture 5-6: Drug Design Methods I: QSAR Lecture 7-8: Drug Design Methods II: SVM Lecture 9-10: Drug Design Methods III: Ligand-Protein Docking Lecture 11: Overview of Drug Testing Methods (ADME and Toxicity)