FAME DIRECTOR’S OFFICE Information and Monitoring & Evaluation Sections
1. Information Section Three staff: Constance Odiardo, Technical Support Officer Boris Colas, Technical Support Officer Aymeric Desurmont, Fisheries Information Officer
Objectives Provide, and facilitate access to, fisheries information Develop information and knowledge products Facilitate information management and circulation
Highlight 1a Information for the Region Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island Countries and Territories
Highlight 1b Information for the Region SPC Fisheries Newsletter
Highlight 2 Information for a specific country Teachers’ Information Kit on Fisheries produced for Vanuatu
Highlight 3 Formatting of information produced by a specific country Tuvalu Fisheries Department Corporate Plan 2017/2019
Key enablers Well-established network allowing to respond quickly to all forms of information requests Support from SPC’s Publication and Translation Section Competent and multi-talented staff DFAT tagged funding (Australia)
Key risks or challenges Speed and cost-limitation requirements are at the expense of information quality Information doesn’t reach targeted audience Section’s funding future is uncertain
2. Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning New position established in 2015 Role to assist with MEL, reporting, project design, funding proposals & strategic planning Support provided internally to FAME/SPC as well as regionally
Quick jargon Planning / Learning Evaluation Monitoring Set goals Develop strategies Outline implementation Allocate resources Evaluation Periodic Outcomes & impact Assess the design, implementation and impact Monitoring Continuous / ongoing Activities & outputs Accountability Inform ongoing refinement Monitoring: Are we doing things right? Evaluation: Are we doing the right things? Monitoring looks at the activities and processes within programs and projects Evaluation looks at the overall picture, i.e. the whole program or project.
Highlight 1 Internal review Review of the Fisheries Information Section to support continuous improvement in 2015 On the whole activities undertaken were found to be effective, efficient and relevant Recommendations included added communications capacity, exploring cost recovery for printing & freight and reducing printed material. Process included stakeholder interviews, time use analysis and cost-benefit analysis to explore whether the current structure was the most cost effective for the Divison.
Highlight 2 Training impact Support provided to evaluate the effectiveness of FAME workshops, including 6 month follow up Example result from 2016: 96% of those trained in fisheries science or economics demonstrated improved skills on training completion (72 of 75 tested)
Key enablers Supportive environment within FAME Willingness of members and beneficiaries to provide feedback SPC-wide improvements in MEL
Key risks or challenges SPC-wide systems: further systems development & alignment required Multiple reporting requirements (to donors, partners and SPC) across a wide range of activities
Future priorities Improved project management and project monitoring systems within FAME Increased focus on understanding the impact of our work (evaluation) Regional support for MEL given increasing reporting requirements