What is the Scientific Method?
Scientific Science = something we use during science class or something that a scientist would use.
Method Method = a way of doing something, or the steps you take to complete a task.
Scientific Method The steps that scientists use to solve a problem or conduct an investigation!
What are the steps of the scientific method? Background Information Problem Hypothesis Materials Procedure Data Discussion Conclusion
Let’s talk about them one at a time!
Background Information Background information is information that you research before you conduct your investigation. It might be information you already know! This information helps you clearly understand your topic before you begin conducting experiments. This might include safety information!
If you were doing an experiment with M&M’s, would you have any Background information? Sure you would! What colors do they come in? What types of M&M’s are there? What else can you come up with about M&M’s?
You see, you are already very smart!
Problem A problem is the question you (the scientist) plan to answer by conducting the scientific investigation.
Switcheroo!!!!!! In most research situations, you state your problem first and then do the background info. In many of our classroom labs, the background info comes first.
Think of this problem about your Progress Report? Problem: What will happen when your parents view your Progress Report? A Problem is always stated as a question. It is the question that you want to solve or answer during your scientific investigation.
Hypothesis The hypothesis is an educated guess or explanation that answers the question in the problem. This is what you THINK the answer might be.
A hypothesis can be written as an IF/THEN statement! Cause and effect When one thing happens it causes another thing to happen. Example: If a student runs in the hall, then the student will get hurt.
Let’s Practice Write a hypothesis to the following problems: 1. What will happen if I don’t wear safety goggles in the lab? 2. What will happen if I don’t complete my homework? 3. How many drops of water can a penny hold?
Materials This is the list of supplies and equipment that you will need to prove whether or not your hypothesis is correct.
Rules for listing materials 1. Be descriptive! (tell me the size, shape, color etc.) 2. Be precise! (Say 50ml of water and not a little bit of water) 3. Don’t forget what you will need to clean up! 4. If you need a liquid, you’ll need something to hold the liquid in. 5. Make your list in columns with 4 items in each. (Why is this necessary?)
Procedure The list of steps that you will follow to prove whether or not your hypothesis was accepted or rejected. These will be numbered steps, in exactly the order that you will follow them. List each step separately and be as descriptive as possible.
Data Data can be displayed in charts or graphs!
Data can also be of drawings or pictures. Data can be numbers or descriptive words.
Experiments have a control and variables Independent Variable - I change it on purpose (think of the letter I). Dependent Variable - Data collected (think D)
Discussion These are the questions that you have thought of during the experiment! Things that you wonder about! This is also where you analyze data.
AND NOW…. THE BIGGIE…. Conclusion
Conclusion The Conclusion is the answer to the problem, that you discovered during your scientific investigation. The Conclusion has 5 parts… 1. The hypothesis was accepted/rejected. 2. It Stated… 3. To test the hypothesis… 4. During the test it was observed… 5. Therefore…
Check over your lab to see if all steps are included in the conclusion.
Great Job! Now let’s review. On your own paper write down just the answers to the following questions. 1-8 List the 8 steps of the scientific method in order. 9. Which step of the scientific method is the questions that arise during the lab experiment? 10. Which step of the scientific method comes before procedure?
Now let’s say the 8 steps of the scientific method all together! Background Information Problem Hypothesis Materials Procedure Data Discussion Conclusion
You are almost ready for the scientific method quiz! Congratulations! You are almost ready for the scientific method quiz!