MUNIS Payroll Training Time and Attendance Entry-Substitutes Accessing Detail Entry Screen from Daily Grid employee record to add a Substitute record for that teacher’s absence. Notes: To add a Substitute for a specific teacher go to that teacher’s record. When not in update or add mode, users may “drill down” to the detail record by either double clicking a grid row or highlighting a grid row and selecting the “Edit Details” side menu option.
MUNIS Payroll Training Time and Attendance Entry-Substitutes Adding Substitute record. Notes: You may add a substitute for a specific teacher using the ‘Sub’ tab in Time and Attendance Detail Entry. You would enter the primary teacher’s pay information on the ‘Employee’ tab, i.e. sick time or vacation time. Then click on the ‘Substitute’ tab. You must be in Update mode in order for the Substitute record to be entered: