“Successful Classroom Readers” Reciprocal Teaching “Successful Classroom Readers”
What strategies do effective movie watchers use?
What strategies do successful readers use?
Reciprocal Teaching Prediction Summarization Clarifying Ask “Teacher-like” questions Visualization
Reciprocal Teaching Interactive reading to build comprehension Lessens frustration Research based: Improvement after 20 lessons Encourages re-reading and metacognition Works best with struggling readers Strategies may be used in any order
Predicting Most important prediction is the title or headline. Other predictions: throughout chapter, headings, or subtitles. Predicting questions: What will happen next? What will the character do next?
Clarifying Slowing down or stopping to think about what the text is trying to communicate. Pausing and re-reading until it makes sense. Look for little words inside big words. Look for commas that follow unfamiliar words. Look for word parts. Keep reading.
Visualization Stopping to make a mental picture of what you are reading Drawing pictures as you read Choosing specific words that help form images
Teacher Like Questions Asking questions about what you have just read After you have predicted, visualized, and clarified. Ask questions to help you understand the larger meanings of the lesson. Questions that can be answered from what you have read. You must be able to find the answer in the text. (See bookmark)
Summarizing Giving the most important ideas in one or two sentences Does not include details or information that is not important Strategies One sentence summary GIST Graphic Organizers