Administrative Simplification -institutional design and supporting tools- Jeroen Nijland OECD/MENA, Oct 20th 2008
The design of change A tool and a goal is needed But not sufficient, because: It may not be shared It may not be reached It may not last Institutionalize it Support it
Organise coordination…………… Administrative simplification is a cross cutting issue: It affects every pilars’ business But is no one’s main concern You can’t have a well-targeted administrative simplification policy without horizontal coordination (urgency, focus, efficiency)
………without endangering ownership The more centralisation, the less internalisation You cannot have a culture change / enduring effect without true internalisation Therefore, a balance between coordination and decentral ownership is needed
Organise stakeholder involvement Resistance comes automatically, support has to be organised Functions: Countervailing power Validation inspiration
An external watchdog Complements internal oversight body Adds countervailing power Makes projects more accountable less self-referential Reduces dependency on electoral cycles
Support it: calculate and communicate Communicate inside For coordination For monitoring For accountablity Communicate outside To prioritize To commit To ‘show and grow’ Calculating helps to Reveil Depoliticize Focus Target Monitor Communicate