Election of 1960 Nixon versus Kennedy
Background: Dwight Eisenhower had just finished up 8 years of serving as President. During his time in office, the country did very well economically.
The Candidates: DEMOCRATS--John F. Kennedy Father was involved in politics JFK had served in Congress prior to running for President. Kennedy’s family had been actively involved in politics
The Candidates: REPUBLICANS— Richard Nixon Nixon had served in Congress and had been Eisenhower’s Vice President for 8 years. Known as a cold warrior
Key issues/events in the Campaign: 1. JFK was Catholic-Never before had a Catholic been elected to the Presidency 2. Debates--For the first time the Presidential debates were held on T.V.
Most who watched the debates on T. V Most who watched the debates on T.V. felt that JFK won, most who listened on the radio felt that Nixon had won. The T.V. showed JFK to be confident and outgoing, while it made Nixon appear to be nervous and stiff.
The Election Results: This was one of the closest elections in U.S. history. JFK won the popular vote by a little more than 100,000 votes. There were several states where the results were disputed, but Nixon chose not to challenge the results
Key Events that occurred between the 1960 and 1964 elections: Bay of Pigs--April of 1961--Failed invasion of Cuba Cuban Missile Crisis-October 1962
Vietnam Conflict JFK Assassination—November 22, 1963
Goldwater versus Johnson Election of 1964 Goldwater versus Johnson
Background: After JFK was killed in 1963 Lyndon B. Johnson, his Vice-President, became president. LBJ pushed for increased involvement in Vietnam, as well as for more liberal legislation in terms of Civil Rights.—He also increased spending for social programs
The Candidates: DEMOCRATS: Lyndon B. Johnson REPUBLICANS: Barry Goldwater, Conservative Senator from Arizona.
Key Events/Issues in the campaign: The election of 1964 came down to two questions: 1. Would the U.S. continue JFK’s legacy? 2. Would the U.S. vote for a liberal candidate or a conservative candidate? Goldwater was seen as too extreme
Key Events/Issues in the campaign: Ronald Reagan, a one-time Democrat and actor, gave a stirring speech in favor of Goldwater. While this didn’t help Goldwater win, it did put Reagan into national prominence.
This election was not even close. Johnson routed Goldwater This election was not even close. Johnson routed Goldwater. This reaffirmed America’s support for the continuation of the legacy of JFK and also showed that the U.S. would back a liberal candidate. A clear shift to the 60’s era.
Between the election of 1964 and 1968 key events included: Escalation of the war in Vietnam Civil Rights movement--MLK Jr. etc. . .
Nixon vs. Humphrey vs. Wallace Election of 1968 Nixon vs. Humphrey vs. Wallace
Background: The time between 1964-68 was a turbulent time in America Background: The time between 1964-68 was a turbulent time in America. The Vietnam Conflict as well as Civil unrest at home made things very volatile.
In a stunning decision, Lyndon B In a stunning decision, Lyndon B. Johnson decided NOT to seek re-election in 1968.
LBJ’s decision came in part due to anti-war Sen LBJ’s decision came in part due to anti-war Sen. Eugene McCarthy’s strong showing in the New Hampshire Primary The Democratic party was torn over the issue of Vietnam
The Candidates: DEMOCRATS--With LBJ not seeking re-election, the following ran Eugene McCarthy:Sen. from Minnesota Hubert Humphrey: LBJ’s Vice-President
Robert F. Kennedy: John F. Kennedy’s younger brother George Wallace: Gov. from Alabama
The Candidates: REPUBLICANS: Richard Nixon The Presidential Primaries went very easy for Nixon, while the primaries were extremely tough on the Democrats.
Wallace left the Democratic Party and formed the American Independent party--a third party based on racial segregation.
Humphrey and RFK were the two major players for the Democrats Humphrey and RFK were the two major players for the Democrats. After RFK won the crucial California primary, he was assassinated. This meant that Humphrey received the nomination for the Democrats even though he had entered the race late and was trailing RFK.
Key Events in the Campaign: RFK’s death Democratic National Convention in Chicago--Riots during the convention(inside/outside) did not give American’s a good view of the party Wallace’s 3rd party drew votes from the Democrats.
In the end, in a fairly close race, Richard Nixon prevailed with Humphrey finishing 2nd and Wallace 3rd in the race.
Key events that occurred between 1968-1972: Vietnam Conflict continued to grow. Richard Nixon visited China in Feb. of 1972.
Election of 1972 Nixon versus McGovern
Background Nixon’s 1st term was marked by the continuation of the Vietnam War, and his visit to China.
Candidates Republicans-Richard Nixon Democrats-George McGovern Senator from South Dakota. He had previously worked under JFK and had promoted a “minimum family wage”
Key events during the campaign: WATERGATE--A break-in occurred at the Watergate building in Wash. D.C. It was covered up until the end of the election.
Election Results--American’s supported Nixon and his goal to show America to be powerful. Middle class Americans were offended by McGovern’s “Minimum family wage” plan. Nixon won in a blowout. McGovern only won Massachusetts and Wash D.C.
Events between 1972-1976 Spiro Agnew, Nixon’s V.P resigns due to scandal involving bribes. Watergate Scandal broke.
Nixon resigns August 8, 1974 Gerald Ford becomes president. Gerald Ford pardons President Nixon.
Election of 1976 Ford vs. Carter
Background: The Watergate scandal left a “black eye” on American politics. People started not to trust the government. Gerald Ford did a reasonably good job as President, but people wanted to punish someone for Nixon’s “sins.”
Candidates: Republicans--Gerald Ford received a tough primary challenge from California Gov. Ronald Reagan.
Democrats: Jimmy Carter Governor of Georgia Democrats: Jimmy Carter Governor of Georgia. Walter Mondale Senator From Minn. Ford and Carter won the primaries Ford chose Bob Dole Sen. From Kansas as his V.P.
Key events/issues: Ford was weakened from his fight with Reagan Ford was chained down by his connection to Nixon Quite simply, America wanted a change.
Election Results: Carter defeated Ford in a fairly close election CARTER Pop. Vote: 40,830,763 (50.1%) FORD Pop. Vote: 39,147,793 (48.0%) REAGAN Pop. Vote: 1,260 (>0.1%)
Events between 1976-1980 Energy Crisis (gas lines) Camp David Accords Iran Hostage Crisis Poor Economy+Poor Foreign Relations=Disaster
Reagan versus Carter versus Anderson Election of 1980 Reagan versus Carter versus Anderson
Background: Jimmy Carter’s term as president was marked by a poor economy and poor foreign relations.
After being defeated in the primary election of 1976, Ronald Reagan campaigned for 4 years.
Candidates: Democrats--Carter received a tough challenge from Senator Ted Kennedy.
Republicans: Ronald Reagan George Bush John Anderson
Reagan won the nomination and chose George Bush as his V.P. John Anderson formed a 3rd party. Carter won the nomination for the Democrats. Lake Chappaquiddick affair from 1969 damaged Kennedy
Key issues: Economy Iran-Hostage Crisis Election Results: Reagan won in a blowout. Carter’s administration was a disaster.
Events between 1980-1984 Assassination attempt on Reagan 1981. Reagan cut taxes in 1982 1984 Olympics
Election of 1984 Reagan vs. Mondale
Background: Reagan’s first term was fairly successful. He cut taxes, and the economy started to do better. Reagan put an emphasis on military spending.
Candidates: Republicans-Reagan
Walter Mondale--Former V.P. and Senator from Minnesota. Democrats: Walter Mondale--Former V.P. and Senator from Minnesota. Jesse Jackson-Civil Rights leader Gary Hart-Senator from Colorado
Mondale won the nomination for the Democrats Key issues/events in campaign Debates: Reagan posed one key question: Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Most Americans agreed with that statement.
Walter Mondale chose Geraldine Ferraro to be his running mate Walter Mondale chose Geraldine Ferraro to be his running mate. This was the 1st time that a woman ran on a major ticket for VP
Election Results--Reagan won in one of the biggest landslides in election history. Mondale only won his home state of Minnesota and Washington D.C.
Events between 1984-1988 Iran- Contra Scandal Space Shuttle Disaster 1986 Rising national debt
Election of 1988 Bush versus Dukakis
Background: Ronald Reagan’s second term was a solid one Background: Ronald Reagan’s second term was a solid one. Despite some controversy(Iran Contra Scandal) Reagan remained a popular president. In the 1988 election Reagan could not run again due to constitutional restrictions.
Candidates: Democrats Al Gore-Senator from Tennessee Michael Dukakis-Gov. from Mass.
Gary Hart-Senator from Colorado Jesse Jackson-Civil Rights leader Hart was running in the lead until a sex scandal broke.
Dukakis ended up securing the nomination for the Democrats.
Republicans George Bush-Vice President Bob Dole-Senator from Kansas Pat Robertson-T.V. Evangelist
Dole and Robertson dropped out after losing in early primaries. The general campaign pitted Bush versus Dukakis.
KEY EVENTS IN THE CAMPAIGN Dirty campaign(Willie Horton ad) Bush ran on continuing Reagan’s legacy. VP Debates-Dan Quayle vs. Lloyd Bentsen
ELECTION RESULTS People wanted a continuation of the Reagan legacy. George Bush won in a blowout.
EVENTS BETWEEN 1988-1992 Tax increase of 1990 Gulf War 1991
Bush versus Clinton versus Perot Election of 1992 Bush versus Clinton versus Perot
Background--The presidency of George Bush is defined by success and failure Success-Gulf War Failure-Tax increase in 1990. Bush was very successful in terms of foreign policy, but was not successful in terms of the economy.
The Candidates: Democrats Bill Clinton, governor from Arkansas secured the nomination after beating out other opponents.
Republicans George Bush faced a tough challenge from Pat Buchanan. Bush won the nomination, but was damaged by Buchanan’s attacks.
Independent Party Candidate: Texas Billionaire Ross Perot
Key events/issues in the campaign: Change in leadership(youth) Economy The American people were upset with President Bush for breaking his “No new taxes” pledge. The Perot Factor(is he IN or OUT)
Election Results: In a fairly close race, Clinton defeated Bush and Perot. Had Perot NOT run, there is an excellent chance that Bush would have been re-elected. Clinton won election with only 43% of the popular vote.
Events between 1992-1996 The economy does well.
REPUBLICAN REVOLUTION OF 1994--For the first time since Eisenhower, the House of Representatives and the Senate are controlled by the Republicans. They continued to hold this majority until 2006 where the Democrats regained control of Congress
Dole versus Clinton (and Perot) Election of 1996 Dole versus Clinton (and Perot)
Background: Clinton had a decent first term in office Background: Clinton had a decent first term in office. Despite losing the majority in congress, Clinton remained popular with voters.
Candidates: Democrats-Clinton easily regained the nomination
Republicans- Alan Keyes-Conservative African-American talk show host Bob Dole-Senator from Kansas Pat Buchanan-Conservative columnist
Phil Graham-Senator from Texas Steve Forbes-Millionaire businessman The Republican primary season was very tough-Eventually Dole was able to use his experience to win the nomination.
Key events/issues in the campaign: Old vs.. Young Continue Clinton’s legacy ELECTION RESULTS Dole was about 8 years late in running for president. Clinton was popular, worked well with the camera. Dole appeared to be too old to achieve the presidency.
In addition, Ross Perot ran once again In addition, Ross Perot ran once again. Perot did not have the same impact that he had experienced in 1992. In the end, Clinton won a solid victory.
EVENTS BETWEEN 1996-2000 Scandals-Monica Lewinsky, China gate, Fund-raising scandal
Election of 2000 Bush vs. Gore
Background: 1996-2000 was a mixed time for the Clinton administration Background: 1996-2000 was a mixed time for the Clinton administration. There was support for the economy, but growing concern about the ethics of administration. This set the stage for one of the closest election races in history.
The Candidates: DEMOCRATS Al Gore-Vice President Bill Bradley-Former Senator from New Jersey
Bradley and Gore ran close until it was revealed that Bradley had heart trouble. This helped secure Gore the nomination for the Democrats.
REPUBLICANS George W. Bush-Son of former President Bush. Governor of Texas John McCain-Senator from Arizona
Alan Keyes-Conservative African-American talk show host. Pat Buchanan-Left the Republican party to earn the Reform party nomination.
Key events/issues in the Campaign Gore wanted to take credit for the good things under Clinton(economy) but wanted to avoid the bad things(scandals) Bush needed to emerge from under the shadow of his father, and confront his past(drugs etc…) The “Nader” effect???
This election was one of the closest in American history This election was one of the closest in American history. The election was decided by the State of Florida in which Bush won the state officially by only a few hundred votes. The official decision wasn’t made public until several weeks after election night.
Gore won the popular vote, but lost the electoral vote, raising serious questions about changing the system. Popular vote GORE 50,994,086 (48.4%) BUSH 50,461,092 (47.9%) NADER 2,882,985 (2.74%)
ELECTORAL VOTE: BUSH: 271 GORE:266 1 electoral college member abstained from voting out of protest
Key Events between 2000-2004 9/11—renewed emphasis on military and “homeland security spending” Enron/Business Scandals
2002 mid-term elections—Republicans increased their hold on Congress War on Terrorism
Election of 2004 Bush vs. Kerry
Background 9/11—renewed emphasis on military and “homeland security spending” Enron/Business Scandals
Background The 9/11/01 attacks brought an renewed emphasis on Military spending. The War on Terror spread from Afghanistan to Iraq. The Republicans also increased their majorities in Congress during the 2002 mid-term elections
The Republicans also increased their majorities in Congress during the 2002 mid-term elections
Candidates: Democrats:
Carol Moseley Braun—Former U.S. Senator, Illinois Joe Biden Senator--Delaware J Gary Hart Former U.S. Senator Colorado Dick Gephardt Congressman Missouri
Joe Lieberman U.S Senator Connecticut John Edwards U.S. Senator North Carolina Al Sharpton Civil Rights Activist New York John Kerry U.S. Senator Massachusetts
Howard Dean Former Governor (D-Vermont) Wesley Clark Retired Army General (D-Arkansas)
Republicans George W. Bush The question with the Republicans was-- Would Bush keep Cheney as his VP –would Cheney’s health allow it?
After a hard fought primary, the Democrats selected Massachusetts Senator John Kerry for the Presidency—He chose John Edwards, Senator from N. Carolina as his VP choice.
The General Election pitted Bush/Cheney vs. Kerry/Edwards Key Events in the Campaign War on Terror(IRAQ) Economy Moral issues
Election Results—As with 2000, this was an extremely close election Election Results—As with 2000, this was an extremely close election. Bush won by a narrow margin, and became the 1st president since George Bush in 1988 to win over 50% of the popular vote.
Election of 2008 McCain vs. Obama
Potential Candidates… Democrats Hillary Clinton-Former First Lady Senator from New York 2000-2008 Barack Obama—Senator from Illinois 2004-2008 Potential Candidates…
Potential Candidates… Republicans John McCain—Former POW Senator from Arizona 1986-Present Rudy Giuliani—Former Prosecutor, Mayor of New York City 1994-2001 Potential Candidates…
Potential Candidates… Republicans Mitt Romney—Former Gov. of Massachusetts 2002-2006 Mike Huckabee—Former Gov. from Arkansas 1996-2007 Fred Thompson—Former Actor, Senator from Tennessee 1994-2002 Potential Candidates…
Potential Candidates… Republicans—John McCain secured the nomination early in the process Democrats—Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had a major battle. Eventually Obama prevailed. Obama selected Sen. Joe Biden for his V.P. choice Potential Candidates…
Potential Candidates… Key Events/Issues in the Campaign Economy—stock market War in Iraq/Afghanistan Potential Candidates…
Potential Candidates… The Bush Effect Selection of Sarah Palin by John McCain Potential Candidates…
Potential Candidates… Election Results—Barack Obama/Joe Biden defeat John McCain/Sarah Palin in a solid victory. Obama’s solid victory also propelled a greater majority for the Democrats in Congress. Potential Candidates…
Election of 2012 Romney vs Obama
Potential Candidates… Background—President Obama’s first term in office was marked by both success and challenges. Success—Assassination of Bin Laden Challenges—Health Care reform, Economic recovery Potential Candidates…
Potential Candidates… Democrats:Barack Obama Potential Candidates…
Potential Candidates… Candidates(Republicans) Mitt Romney—Former Governor of Mass., Herman Cain-Businessman Ron Paul—Congressman from Texas Potential Candidates…
Potential Candidates… Newt Gingrich—Former Speaker of the House Rick Santorum—Former Senator from Pennsylvania After a hard fought primary, Romney emerged with the Republican Nomination Potential Candidates…
Potential Candidates… Key Events/Issues: Economy Continue Obama’s legacy? Romney’s faith Obama argued that he hadn’t had enough time to fix the economic mess he inherited, Romney argued that Obama hadn’t done enough. Potential Candidates…
Potential Candidates… Obama asked for more time in the same way FDR did in 1936. Election Results—Barack Obama/Joe Biden defeat Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan in a close victory. Obama was able to achieve re-election despite a sluggish economy. Potential Candidates…
Election of 2016 Trump vs Clinton
Background President Obama’s 2nd term was one of mixed results. Economic recovery occurred, but at a slower than anticipated . International security and safety became concerns (ISIS)
Candidates (Democrats) Hillary Clinton—Former First Lady, Senator from New York, Secretary of State Bernie Sanders—Senator from Vermont
Candidates (Republicans) Jeb Bush—Former Governor of Florida Ben Carson--Neurosurgeon Marco Rubio—Senator from Florida
Candidates (Republicans) Ted Cruz—Senator from Texas Carly Fiornia—Former CEO of Hewlett-Packard Donald Trump—Billionaire Real Estate Tycoon and TV Personality.
After a hard fought primary Hillary Clinton won the nomination for the Democrats and selected Tim Kaine Senator from Virgina as her running mate. Donald Trump selected Indiana Governor Mike Pence to be his running mate. Both Vice Presidential choices were designed to balance the ticket and draw in votes from evangelicals.
Key Events/Issues in Campaign Sanders voters were upset with the nomination process Trump’s Populism--Running as an “Outside” Wikileaks—Damaging revelations from John Podesta “Fake News”—accusations on both sides of biased and “false reporting”
Election Results The 2016 election was one of the closest in history. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote Donald Trump won the electoral vote, and thus the presidency. For the second time since 2000, the winner of the popular vote did not win the presidency