Division of Amplitude
Optical beam splitter
Fringes of equal inclination
Thin Film Interference A B C D C D B t i A d
Optical path difference for the first two reflected beams
Path Difference
Phase Changes Due To Reflection An electromagnetic wave undergoes a phase change of 180° upon reflection from a medium of higher index of refraction than the one in which it was traveling Analogous to a reflected pulse on a string μ2 μ1
Phase shift
Condition for maxima Condition for minima
For n1 > nf > n2 n1 < nf < n2 Condition for maximum Condition for minima
say n1=n2=n n > n f n < n f
Fringes of equal inclination
Haidinger’s Bands: Fringes of equal inclination Beam splitter P x f Extended source Focal plane Dielectric slab PI P2
Fringes of equal thickness Constant height contour of a topographial map
Fizeau Fringes Beam splitter Extended source n n2 n x
Fizeau Fringes: fringes of equal thickness Conditions for maximum These are termed Fizeau fringes.
Consecutive fringes are separated by
Wedge between two plates 1 2 glass D t glass air x Path difference = 2t Phase difference = 2kt - (phase change for 2, but not for 1) Maxima 2t = (m + ½) o/n Minima 2t = mo/n
Newton’s Ring Ray 1 undergoes a phase change of 180 on reflection, whereas ray 2 undergoes no phase change R= radius of curvature of lens x=radius of Newton’s ring
Reflected Newton’s Ring
Reference 1. Optics Author: Eugene Hecht Class no. 535 HEC/O Central library IIT KGP