Furbearer Pelt ID FFA Wildlife CDE
MINK Mustela vison DEN – stream bank, stolen from Muskrat DIET - Muskrat MINK
Fisher Martes pennanti Den – hollow tree Diet – squirrels, cats, and other small mammals Fisher
Martes americana DEN – Den Tree DIET – Small animals Pine Marten
Skunk mephitis mephitis DEN – Hole dug into small hill or rock pile DIET – Insects Skunk
Weasel Winter coat – Ermine Mustela frenata DEN – Abbondoned burrows DIET – live prey Weasel
Badger Taxidea taxus DEN – Hole dug into small hill or rock pile DIET – Insects Badger
Coyote Canis latrans DEN – small cave or self dug house. DIET – eatiumus anythingamous Coyote
Gray Fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus DEN : Tree DIET: small mammals and birds Gray Fox
Red Fox Vulpes vulpes DEN – Hole dug into small hill DIET – small mammals and birds Red Fox
Felis rufus DEN – den tree DIET – small mammals and birds, deer Bobcat
Canadian Lynx Lynx canadensis DEN – den tree DIET – small mammals and birds, deer, primarily snow shoe hare Canadian Lynx
Muskrat Ondatra zibethicus DEN – self made water hut, or bank burrow DIET – aquatic plant roots Muskrat
Beaver Castor canadensis DEN – self made water hut, or bank burrow DIET – popular or aspen meristem (bark). Beaver
River Otter Lutra canadensis DEN: bank burrow DIET: Fish and crustaceans River Otter
Raccoon Procyon Lotor DEN: Den Tree DIET: eatimous anythingamous, primarily crustaceans, insects, and grains. Raccoon
Opossum Didelphis virginiana DEN: Den tree DIET: eatimus anthingamous – very adaptive. Fun Fact: the only North American Marsupial Opossum