Attacking waste in manufacturing Renishaw plc 19/09/2018 Attacking waste in manufacturing Eliminating non-value added activities that consume time and resources Confidential
Attacking the enemies of productivity and profit Public enemy #1 Public enemy #2 Waste Variation Non-value added activities consume time and resources Variation in manufacturing results in repair, rework and loss Renishaw manufacturing technology reduces waste and variation 9/19/20189/19/2018
Reducing waste and variation We help you to... automate machine set-ups automate machining processes reduce inspection costs accept parts off your machines Resulting in... increased shop throughput reduced machine downtime shorter production lead times and dependable production schedules less scrap and rework higher productivity more profit to your bottom line! 9/19/20189/19/2018
What’s the best way to measure your performance? Throughput number of pieces produced in a pre-determined period of time Efficiency machine / human performance related to a pre-determined standard Utilization % of time a machine / human is actually used to produce product Productivity a product of efficiency, utilization, and throughput Cycle time can be: machine time, cell time, or lead time Lead time time to fill a customer request from receipt of PO What do your customers care about? Lead time & price! 9/19/20189/19/2018
Renishaw’s products redefine cycle time “If I’m cutting chips, I’m making money” You get paid for parts, not for cutting chips! Cycle time is not the time required once the Start button is pushed and the operator removes the part! Cycle time is the total time required to complete one part, or one batch of good parts includes: set-up time, queue and move time, time awaiting operator attention, inspection time, rework time Renishaw’s products help you make the greatest amount of good parts in the shortest amount of time! 9/19/20189/19/2018
Non-value added activities consume time and resources Renishaw plc 19/09/2018 Waste Public enemy #1 Benefits of Renishaw probing Public enemy #1 Waste Non-value added activities consume time and resources Manufacturers who understand Renishaw probing save DAYS not seconds by reducing set-up times and eliminating machine downtime through automated process feedback directly on the machine tool Confidential
Traditional manufacturing environment Waste Public enemy #1 Traditional manufacturing environment Available production time on a typical CNC machine tool Machining centre cutting time - % of time spent cutting chips VMCs 50% HMCs 70% Five out of 10 verticals are waiting for something! 3 out of 10 horizontals sit idle! 9/19/20189/19/2018
Non value-added processes Waste Public enemy #1 Non value-added processes Non value-added processes are any action that doesn’t change product configuration, or which results in parts that do not meet specification inspection, set-up, adjustments, queue-and-move time, etc… plus machining bad parts, rework, tool breakage, etc… You are only adding value when you are machining a part that meets specification minimize non value-added processes to maximize your productivity and profits 9/19/20189/19/2018
(except time spent making bad parts) Waste Public enemy #1 Non value-added processes Mostly value-added (except time spent making bad parts) % Non value-added 9/19/20189/19/2018
Typical non-value added activities Waste Public enemy #1 Typical non-value added activities Time consuming activities during CNC machine set-ups: measure tools and update offsets mount and indicate part and fixtures identify and update machine work offsets first part off inspection to verify set-up adjust rough and finish tools to specification adjust work offsets cut a second part repeat inspection of altered process parameters Renishaw’s products eliminate or reduce these non-value added activities! 9/19/20189/19/2018
Waste Waste What’s your machine doing while you inspect? Public enemy #1 What’s your machine doing while you inspect? While you inspect, your machine is: either IDLE or making more parts, which may be SCRAP Waste Probing on your machine, to set parts and tools or to control critical features, minimizes downtime and waste less manual intervention more GOOD parts per shift more productivity and profit 9/19/20189/19/2018
Is your quality control detection based? Waste Public enemy #1 Is your quality control detection based? Cannot inspect quality into your product Once a defect is generated, cost and schedule concerns multiply Detection mentality - creates planned delays throughout your process Detection costs money $$$ Inspecting good parts, parts that meet all print specifications, is a waste of time, money and manpower! Detection is NON VALUE-ADDED 9/19/20189/19/2018
$ $ Waste Prevention-based process Controlled WASTE Public enemy #1 Prevention-based process $ $ Prevention Detection Process Design simplicity robustness reliable repeatable documented Controlled Inspection Rework Repair Scrap Rejections Customer returns Schedule losses Warranty costs WASTE Prevention is VALUE ADDED it contributes to making GOOD parts 9/19/20189/19/2018
Resources required during Waste Public enemy #1 Prevention-based manufacturing Prevention based Production starts Resources required during product life cycle Process design Process control Detection based Product life cycle 9/19/20189/19/2018
Prevention-based manufacturing Waste Public enemy #1 Prevention-based manufacturing 70 80 90 % Renishaw manufacturing technology delivers prevention-based manufacturing 9/19/20189/19/2018
How do Renishaw products eliminate waste? Public enemy #1 How do Renishaw products eliminate waste? Renishaw products attack waste by: Automating non-value added tasks such as tool setting and workpiece set-up MUCH faster and more repeatable than manual methods calculation and update of tool and work offsets elimination of human error defect prevention Buying parts off the machine tool by inspecting them in situ less part handling and delay shorter manufacturing lead times less work in process Establishing machine performance before you make the parts characterise machine tool accuracy pick the right machine to suit the job spotting declines in machine performance before they affect quality 9/19/20189/19/2018
Setting tools saves time and reduces errors Waste Public enemy #1 Setting tools saves time and reduces errors NO trial cuts set a suite of tools in minutes - no manual ‘cut and measure’ probing is more repeatable than manual measurement tools set while rotating, eliminating errors caused by runout and insert height variation NO manual offset updates probing software updates tool offsets automatically avoid human error & reduce tool and part damage NO offline pre-setters set tools in situ at normal cutting speeds for greater accuracy 9/19/20189/19/2018
Setting tools saves time and reduces errors Waste Public enemy #1 Setting tools saves time and reduces errors Tool setting examples Setting a face mill: length and diameter tool runs at cutting speed first trigger finds approx. size second trigger measures exact size Setting a slot drill mill: length and diameter tool setter mounted outside operating volume tool can be set anywhere along the beam 9/19/20189/19/2018
Probing reduces part set-up times and fixturing costs Waste Public enemy #1 Probing reduces part set-up times and fixturing costs NO trial cuts find the location and orientation of your parts in seconds, without manual ‘cut and measure’ machine parts right first time NO manual offset updates probing software updates work offsets automatically avoid human error & reduce tool and part damage NO complex fixtures no need for precision fixturing - use the probe to find the part 9/19/20189/19/2018
Probing reduces part set-up times and fixturing costs Waste Public enemy #1 Probing reduces part set-up times and fixturing costs Part set-up examples Is your setting process like this? just press cycle start and go RAMTIC system, Renishaw How is it done? probe datum features signal reaches CNC via optical transmission establish work offsets automatic update 9/19/20189/19/2018
Accept parts off your machines Waste Public enemy #1 Accept parts off your machines NO waiting for inspection establish machine performance, before you start machining measure critical features on the machine, before performing finish cuts correlate measurements between the machine tool and your CMM, your traceable measurement standard NO operator intervention measure and document your parts automatically automatic feedback of process parameters (offset changes) to ensure that the next part is right 9/19/20189/19/2018
Parker Military Control Systems Problem: setting complex aluminium manifolds need to reduce setting time to release more capacity Solution: MP12 probe used to measure key features on the manifold and automatically update the CNC control fixture offsets allows the process to hold .002 inch true position and .001 inch depth tolerances Client Profile: Parker Hannifin Location USA PARKER HANNIFIN: A diversified manufacturer of motion and control systems for aerospace , automation and other industrial applications Benefit: 95% reduction in setting time - saving over 30 hours per batch elimination of manual errors 9/19/20189/19/2018
Parker Military Control Systems Problem: setting complex aluminium manifolds 3 to 5 measurement activities per part: find the centre of a hole on the manifold and update the CNC control fixture offset, to hold .002 inch true position on other holes in the manifold measure the face of the manifold and update the CNC control fixture offset, to hold +/- .001 inch depths from the face measure the distance between two manifold features from a gage point - these are impossible for the machine operator to measure “ When the operator had to manually indicate these holes, it would take an average of 10 minutes per hole and require him to manually calculate the work offset and then enter the numbers into the CNC control”. 9/19/20189/19/2018
Parker Military Control Systems Solution: spindle probe is used to measure the hole centres, face depth and distance between features probing now part of the part program updates work and fixture offsets automatically “ One probing routine takes less than 30 seconds. This includes automatic mathematical calculations from a gage point, using the captured data, and updating the CNC control with new offsets - completely eliminating human error” 9/19/20189/19/2018
Parker Military Control Systems Benefit: Traditional method Indicate four holes / part = 40 minutes Four parts / tombstone = 160 minutes Lot size of 48 pieces = 32 hours Shop labor cost $100 / hour Cost / hr. x 32 hours. = $3,200 Using a Renishaw probe Probe four holes / part = 2 minutes Four parts / tombstone = 8 minutes Lot size of 48 pieces = 1.6 hours Shop labor cost $100 / hour Cost / hr. x 1.6 hours = $160 total savings of $3040 for one batch of 48 pieces PLUS an additional 30.4 hours of production capacity! 9/19/20189/19/2018
Probing and calibration add profit to your bottom-line! Summary Renishaw manufacturing technology helps you to: eliminate WASTE by: automating non value-added tasks buying parts off your machines establishing machine performance before your start to cut metal reduce VARIATION by: providing repeatable, automated feedback of process parameters monitoring tools and controlling part dimensions in cycle buy parts off your machines by: quantifying, diagnosing and improving machine performance linking machine tool probing to traceable measurement standards Probing and calibration add profit to your bottom-line! 9/19/20189/19/2018
apply innovation 9/19/20189/19/2018