Sarpy County Welcomes you to New Hire Orientation
Welcome !!
Our goal….to provide an interesting, interactive on-boarding to Sarpy County that focuses on the needs of the new employee
Four promises from sarpy county 1.) We will work to develop you as employees who align with the goals of Sarpy County. 2.) We will give you the resources you need to do your job effectively. 3.) We will provide you with transparency and frequent communications. 4.) we will hold you accountable for clearly-defined high performance standards.
Introduction of new employees Please introduce yourselves… Tell us your name, department, and why you decided to join Sarpy County Tell us one thing about you that you find interesting or will surprise us
The Agenda Introductions Sarpy County Benefits/Paperwork General operations overview The basics to success Policies and guidelines Introduction to IT Security/Policies Tour of facilities
Sarpy County Leadership Dan Hoins Scott Bovick IT HR
Sarpy County – Elected Officials Sheriff – Jeff Davis County Attorney – Lee P. Treasurer – Rich James County Clerk - Deb H Assessor – Dan Pittman Election - Appointed by Governor – Michelle Andahl
Sarpy county – Board of Commissioners
Sarpy county – personnel policy board County Board Appointee – Randy Bennett Elected Official Appointee – Jonathan Davidson Classified Employee Appointees: John Strawn and George forst Personnel policy board appointee: TBD
Sarpy County – Benefits Overview Insert shark bite All benefit information is located at: – under the human resources tab. If you have questions, please reach out to Kristine Vickery in human resources at (402) 593-4486 or
The basics for success Hours of operation – typically 8:00 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. – Monday through Friday. Hours may vary depending on department and/or position within the county. Building security - please wear your id badge Data security/Computer security – Information services department will discuss
Hours of operations and holidays Typically 8:00 – 4:45 Monday through friday. Holidays: typically new years day, martin luther king day memorial day fourth of july labor day Columbus day veterans day thanksgiving day and day after Christmas day lease check your respective union contract if you have questions. Collective bargaining agreements are located at, under the human resources tab.
Building security If you see something, say something. Access badges. If you have an access badge and lose this, please report this to your direct supervisor immediately.
Telephones If you are assigned a direct line, please ensure you limit personal phone calls. Transferring a call.: Press transfer Type the extension Announce the caller or hang-up and allow the call to transfer
Productive Work environment Harassment training Tobacco free campus
Open door policy If you have a problem or issue: Speak with your direct supervisor If not resolved or not available, please see human resources
Where to go for…. Payroll information: payroll is managed by the county clerk’s office. Benefit information: Kristine Vickery in human resources (593-4486) or Update W-4., download form, send to Kenjala in payroll. New address: send updated address information to human resources:
Upcoming events to look for: Wellness campaign – earn extra time off or a gift card! Watch your e-mail Sarpy county benefit fair – August – watch for updates Open enrollment – annually in November
HR – Open 24 hours! – go to:
information Security You will be receiving an e-mail regarding completing IT Security. This is a requirement with Sarpy county. More information will be distributed at your session with information services
Tour of facilities You will be provided a tour of the sarpy county facilities