Teach Like A Champion: 49 Techniques That Put Students On The Path To College Link to all TLAC Techniques!! Why TLAC techniques are needed? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1CMvuFLfxc.


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Presentation transcript:

Teach Like A Champion: 49 Techniques That Put Students On The Path To College Link to all TLAC Techniques!! Why TLAC techniques are needed? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1CMvuFLfxc

OBJECTIVES: Participants will be able to: Know how to use Teach Like a Champion (TLAC) strategies to build strong systems and routines for learning. Understand the key TLAC strategies that can be incorporated to ensure a safe environment where student achievement and learning are valued by both teachers and students. Do: Create a plan for building trust, creating a strong classroom culture, and setting high expectations for student behavior.

Creating a Strong Classroom Culture (Teach 7) Technique 28: Entry Routine – Make a habit out of what efficient, productive and scholarly after a greeting and as students take their seats and class begins. Technique 29: Do Now – A short activity that you have written on the board or is waiting at their desks. Technique 30: Tight Transitions – Having quick and routine transitions which students can execute without extensive narration from the teacher. (Clip 13) Technique 31: Binder Control – Having a required format for organizing papers within a binder.

Creating a Strong Classroom Culture Technique 32: SLANT – Sit up, Listen, Ask/Answer a question, Nod your head, Track the speaker http://youtu.be/GsFOcMOQJuQ Technique 33: On Your Mark – Show students how to be prepared and expect them to be so everyday. Technique 34: Seat Signals – Develop a set of signals for common needs. Technique 35: Props – Public praise for students who demonstrate excellence or exemplify virtues.

Setting and Maintaining High Behavioral Expectations Technique 36: 100 Percent – Full compliance of highest behavioral expectations (Clips 14, 15, & 16) http://youtu.be/EC0ltKOwF_A Technique 37: What to Do – Give directions to students in a way that provides clear, easy and useful guidance Technique 38: Strong Voice – Economy of Language, Do Not Talk Over, Do Not Engage, Square Up/Stand Still, Quiet Power (Clip 17) Technique 39: Do It Again – Practice helps students improve and it is often the best consequence. (Clip 18)

Setting and Maintaining High Behavioral Expectations Technique 40: Sweat the Details – Plan your environment so it seems an orderly and organized place at all times. Technique 41: Threshold – Set expectations from the minute students enter the door to the minute they exit. Technique 42: No Warnings – Develop a scaled system of incrementally larger consequences that you can deliver reliably, fairly, and without hesitation.

Building Character & Trust Technique 43: Positive Framing – Make corrections consistently and positively. (Clip 19) Technique 44: Precise Praise – Do not trivialize praise. Make it specific and genuine. Technique 45: Warm/Strict – You must be caring, funny, warm, concerned, and nurturing as well as strict, relentless and sometimes inflexible. http://youtu.be/R3SR3JdyrXI Technique 46: The J-Factor – Finding joy in the work of learning. (Clips 20 & 21)

Building Character & Trust Technique 47: Emotional Constancy – Take personal emotions out of a situation and remain calm. Technique 48: Explain Everything – Make clear the rationale behind decisions made in students’ best interest and the way adults think on behalf of students. Technique 49: Normalize Error – Getting it wrong and then getting it right is one of the fundamental processes for schooling. Respond to both as completely normal.

Normalize Errors

Thank you for taking time out of your summer break to attend this session. You’ve heard a lot of information. Let us know what you think. Questions Concerns How can we assist you as you work to build strong systems and routines in your classroom? If you have not already, please sign in. The sign-in sheet is on the clipboard.