PPR: Purpose, Timeline PPR = “Physics Performance Report” Ostensibly, a document indicating readiness for data-taking – for the p-p program Including trigger performance Produced using current CSC simulations & analysis from results in the CSC notes. Heavy ion PPR Purpose will be the same: readiness for data Deadline will probably be decided by us. We won’t be taking heavy ion data in 2007 We are behind in developing analysis tools But: we cannot relax 9/19/2018 Heavy Ion PPR Thoughts
PPR Straw-man Outline Caveat: this has not been discussed with Laurent Physics overview Detector Performance & Reconstruction Minimum-bias, Centrality, Event properties Single particle spectra Single jets & jet fragmentation Di-jets & gamma/Z-jet Quarkonia Open heavy flavor Low-x measurements Ultra-peripheral collisions Caveat: this has not been discussed with Laurent 9/19/2018 Heavy Ion PPR Thoughts
PPR: Where do we stand? We have a tremendous amount of work to do to prepare any one of these sections. Unfeasible to consider PPR deadline sooner than 6 months from now. 6 months reasonable for 1st draft? But, PPR will provide useful focus for our simulation and analysis efforts. Organize our own efforts around PPR sections We will have to rely on the CSC for high-statistics Monte-Carlo samples. Need to get started on validating CSC samples 9/19/2018 Heavy Ion PPR Thoughts
PPR Organization Clearly we are going to need people to take responsibility for organizing sections Outline Defining content Organizing effort to produce that content Keeping track of progress PPR will provide a valuable tool for organizing our effort all the way to physics. Clearly: getting PPR organization started is the highest priority for convenors. It is ~ official that I will become convenor. As soon as Laurent is notified, I will start on 9/19/2018 Heavy Ion PPR Thoughts
Technical Issues/Hurdles Need to make progress on developing heavy-ion analysis tools, ESD/AOD output Even simple results like Multiplicity, ET, … And corresponding truth quantities e.g. we should be trying to define data structures This will help focus analysis efforts Need to start studying level-1 output in ESD & AOD for trigger studies Need to adopt common analysis model for short & intermediate term. Need to work out heavy-ion specific issues in tracking. 9/19/2018 Heavy Ion PPR Thoughts