Welcome to Vassar Township Hall Slideshow developed by: Amy Mocny, Secretary
Contact Us: Phone: (989) 823-3541 Fax: (989) 823-0193 Mail: 4505 W. Saginaw Rd., Vassar, MI 48768 Web: vassartownship.org Facebook: Vassar Twp Hall
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Board Members Supervisor: Bruce Foether Clerk: Michael Clinesmith Treasurer: John Stack Trustee: Bill Gray Trustee: Tom Borcherding
Supervisor Bruce Foether (989) 529-6529 M-F 4:30-5:30
Clerk Michael Clinesmith (989) 670-4817 Monday & Wednesday 12:00-4:00
Call to set an appointment Treasurer John Stack (989) 233-5329 Call to set an appointment
Debby Valentine (989) 823-3541 Ext. 4 Thursdays 10:00-2:00 Assessor Debby Valentine (989) 823-3541 Ext. 4 Thursdays 10:00-2:00
Trustees Bill Gray (989) 823-8994 Tom Borcherding (989) 823-3354
M-F 9:00-12:00 Nancy Zuzula (989) 392-3991 Amy Mocny Secretaries M-F 9:00-12:00 Nancy Zuzula (989) 392-3991 Amy Mocny
2017 Property Taxes Delinquent taxes are collected by the Tuscola County Treasurer’s office.
Tuscola County Treasurer 1250 West Lincoln St. Caro, MI 48723 (989) 672-3890
Zoning Administration Zoning Administrator: Kendall Woodruff 989-863-8405 Planning Comm. Chair: Bob Reil Parks & Rec Chair: Don Clinesmith
Sheriff’s Department (non emergency) (989) 673-8161 Deputy: Cory Jacobs 989-551-0262
Recycling picked up every two weeks Republic Trash 1-888-872-7455 Recycling picked up every two weeks
Stay involved Come to the meetings!
Board of Trustees Meetings Second Tuesday of the month 7:00 p.m.
Planning Commission Meetings Second Thursday of the month 7:00 p.m.
Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month. Parks & Rec Meetings Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month.
Tuscola County Contacts County Clerk: Jodi Fetting (989) 672-3780 County Treasurer: Patricia D. Gray (989) 672-3890 County Road Commission (989) 673-2128 County Economic Development Corp. (989) 673-2849