Who’s Who? Ms. Scott- Math & Science Mrs. Sexton- Reading, Spelling, Social Studies, Language, Composition, Handwriting Conference Times: 9:00-9:45 (Mon. Tues) 9:45-10:30 (Wed.-Fri.) Best to reach by email rather than school phone.
Schedule Morning Block until 7:50-11:35 Switch classes at 11:35 Afternoon Block until 11:40-3:30 Recess /Lunch 12:15-1:15 Library every other Thursday- bring books
Homework Nightly homework assignments are written on the board. Time is given for students to copy in agendas. Math homework given Monday and due Friday. The information is also posted on teacher websites. Spelling homework on Mondays and Thursdays. Wacky Wednesday- Read 20 minutes in a fun way. Tuesday reading homework will vary. Reading goal for the week is 60 minutes.
Behavior Positive behavior is rewarded with tickets. Students can redeem for prizes. Nurtured Heart uses positive reinforcement with developing character traits. Resets are given for a momentary time-out to refocus attention. Tickets and High Fives are tangible rewards.
Math Math and Science textbooks are available online. Use the Dashboard Icon from Kleinisd.net Look for Think Central Reflex math-online fact practice Think Through Math- (coming soon)
Math Daily Warm-ups Daily Math Homework Topics: place value, add and subtract large numbers, measurement, problem solving, geometry, multiplication/division concepts, money, fractions, and decimals. Critical Thinking is stressed. Addition /Subtraction facts should be memorized. (Reflex Math)
Reading We utilize a Reader’s Workshop approach. Students read a variety of just right books on various genres. Reading responses will be assigned.
Reading Groups Students will be grouped in a variety of ways for reading. Guided Reading Groups (by ability) Literature Circles (by novel choice) Independent Reading (self-selected books)
Science Hands On Some topics to be covered: Scientific Investigation and Reasoning, Matter, Force and Motion, Earth and Space, Organisms and Environment, Types of Energy.
Social Studies Communities & Culture Geography Citizenship & Government Economics Explorers and Westward Expansion Book is available online from kleinisd.net Dashboard>Pearson>Pearson Realize
Grading In all subjects minor grades are 50% of the final average. Major grades constitute the other 50%. Homework is reflected in the work habits section of the behavior chart. 0-3=E 4-6=S 7-9=N 10+ = U
Retesting Procedures If a student fails a major test, a retake will be given. Students will have three school days in which to accomplish this. The higher of the two scores will be recorded. (Only one retest given) However, District and Common Assessments retest will not be given. Minor grades will not be changed. * Any child may retake a test to demonstrate mastery regardless of the first grade earned.
Writer’s Workshop Handwriting In Writer’s Workshop students follow the writing process to develop writing skills. We will cover all parts of speech this year Cursive handwriting will be taught using the Handwriting Without Tears program. (cursive with less loops and tails)
Buddy Spelling Each Monday a word bank is developed using a spelling rule. Students then select 5 words from that list. 5 additional words are self -selected by students from their spelling folders. These are words come from each student’s own writing. The ten words are then written on a notecard for class practice and in the agenda for home practice. * That’s 440 words for me to check in a short amount of time* Fix any oversights!!
STARR TEST Students will take the STAAR test. (State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness.) Math: May 14th Reading: May 15th