Golden Age Democracy under Pericles
Athens under Pericles: governed by the democratic Assembly and Council of 500 Public officials and juries paid by the city-state
Athens under Pericles: Assembly became most important power of the state Direct democracy all free-born male citizens of Athens approval or veto power over every city-state decision hired and fired all non-elected public officials served as a law court hearing major cases
The Assembly: met several times a month spent money on public projects
The Assembly: powers included: declaring war, appointing generals, deciding troop strengths number of naval ships to be committed to a battle granted citizenship, decided on foreign policy
the Council of 500: daily running of the city-state chosen randomly, fifty from each of the ten tribal groups prepared the bills the assembly proposed carried out the votes/decisions of the assembly met daily
The archons: chief magistrates oversaw different areas of the assembly chosen randomly served only a one-year term full democracy = ceremonial rather than political.