ENROLLMENT 2017-2018 Park Hill South
http://phs.parkhill.k12.mo.us /
Role of Your High School Counselor Suggests career paths Directs Personal Plan of Study Provides social and emotional guidance Facilitates course schedules Utilizes Family Connections as a resource Evaluates strengths and weaknesses on standardized tests and course performance.
Post Secondary Planning Think about your areas of interest Identify your post high school goal Develop a Plan of Study Take coursework to explore your areas of interest
Enrollment Form Due to PHS Counseling Office Feb. 3 Double check your requests and submit enrollment sheet to the counseling office. Parent signature required on the enrollment sheet
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Class of 2018 28 TOTAL CREDITS English Language Arts 4 Social Studies 3 Science (Biology & Chemistry required) 3 Math (Algebra II min) 3 PE 1 Practical Art 1 Fine Art 1 Health/Personal Finance 1 Electives 11 Virtual Course Required to Graduate
English Language Arts
Math Algebra IB Algebra II Algebra II A Algebra II B Accelerated Algebra II College Algebra (DC) College Algebra A (dc) College Algebra B (DC) Trigonometry Accelerated Trigonometry Math Analysis Calculus Ap Calculus AB Ap Calculus BC Statistics Ap statistics
health and personal Finance Graduation requirement or Health and Personal Finance (Virtual)
Social Studies World History (9th) American History or AP US History (11th grade) Constitutional Government/Econ or AP Government & Politics (12th grade)
Social Studies - electives Emerging Leaders (application required) American Civil War Sociology Psychology (Virtual) Current Events Philosophy Latin American Studies Women’s Studies Humanities AP Human Geography AP World History AP European History AP Psychology AP Microeconomics
Foreign Language French I – AP French German I – AP German Example: French I, French II, French III, French IV & AP French German I – AP German Spanish I – AP Spanish
Physical Education Foundations of Fitness Weight Training Sports & Recreation Advanced Weight Training
Fine Arts Design and Draw Drama Campus or Symphonic Band Concert Orchestra Men’s Chorus Women’s Chorus Music for Lifetime (non- performance) Tournament Forensics
Practical Art Housing and Interior Environment Nutrition and Foods Home Maintenance Broadcast Journalism Advanced Broadcast Journalism Journalism/Mass Media PLTW Intro to Engineering (IED) Introduction to Business Fashion and Apparel PLTW Computer Science and Software Engineering PLTW Computer Science Application
Off-site Career Programs Northland Center for Advanced Professional Studies (Northland CAPS) Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering Global Business & Entrepreneurship Global Logistics Medicine & Healthcare Technology Solutions Digital Media & Design Professional Studies Internship Education Services 2020 Health Sciences Internship Applications for each of these programs are due February 17th
Off-site Career Programs (con’t) Northland Career Center Agriculture Education Aviation Technology Construction Technology Culinary Arts Diesel Technology Teaching Professions Health Sciences Heating/AC/Refrigeration IT Professionals Law Enforcement Welding
Application- and Audition-only Classes Cannot request as one of your 8 selections an application- or audition- only class Sign up for 8 classes that do not require an audition or application Make a note on the Enrollment Form what classes you want to drop should you be accepted into the application- or audition-only class/program
AP COURSES Biology Calculus A/B & B/C Psychology Chemistry Computer Science English Language & Composition English Literature & Composition Environmental Science European History Human Geography Psychology Foreign Languages (French, German & Spanish) Statistics Studio Art US History Government & Politics World History Physics 1 & 2 AP Microeconomics
DUAL CREDIT CLASSES Comp and Reading Speech College Algebra (and College Algebra A and B) AP Chemistry AP Biology AP Environmental Science AP US History AP Psychology Foreign Languages (French, German & Spanish, levels III and IV)
AP vs. Dual Credit Advanced Placement Dual Credit Most widely accepted credit High stakes test Credit depends on school, major and test score Least expensive/best value Widely accepted (check with your college of choice) One-third the cost as at most colleges/universities Credit earned through completing the class Know up front if you’re going to qualify for dual credit before paying
A+ Requirements and Benefits 2.5 cumulative G.P.A. Signed agreement 95% attendance rate 50 hours tutoring Score proficient or advanced on Alg. I end-of course exam Good citizenship No record of unlawful drug use 3 yrs. of consecutive attendance at an A+ high school See Jill Owens in B106 or call at 359-6043
SCHEDULE change policy Computer Error If the course has been incorrectly placed in the computer, the enrollment sheet will serve as a reference for substituting the correct course. Prerequisite Not Met If a student has not met the prerequisite a new course will be substituted. Duplicate Credit A student may not receive credit for a course twice. Increased Rigor A student requesting a change to a more difficult core area course will be accepted providing space is available.
Summary Parent Signature Student Signature 8 Circles 2 Alternates Enrollment form due to the counseling office by Feb. 3
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