Diverse Learners in Alberta Team C Diverse Learners in Alberta
Objectives To be aware of what programs are out there to address diversity To understand the difference between theoretical objectives and practical implications
ESL Program Objectives The basis for the development of the program of studies: Students’ previous knowledge and experience Supportive school environment Students take different amounts of time to adapt to school and life in Canada Students take different amounts of time to learn Meaning is central to learning
ESL Five Levels of Organization: Students who are acquiring literacy for the first time or have large gaps in previous schooling Students with little or no experience with English in school Some competency in English Students who can succeed in most high school courses with continuous support in language learning Subject-specific language development (ie. Learning centres, peer coaching, and teacher assistance)
esl Four General Outcomes: Through the 5 levels of competency, the students are expected to grow and show the following outcomes: Gather, interpret, and communicate information Establish and maintain relationships Make decisions, solve problems, and plan and carry out projects Explore, respond to, and extend ideas and experiences
Streaming K&E -1/-2 Blending
Streaming: K&E Program objectives • Provide opportunities to experience success • Prepare for employment, further studies, active citizenship and lifelong learning. Knowledge and Employability courses promote: • on- and off-campus experiences and/or community partnerships • career development skills and portfolio • interpersonal skills to ensure respect, support and cooperation with others at home, in the community and at the workplace.
Programs of study differ in stated objectives, as we’ve seen STREAMING -1/-2: Programs of study differ in stated objectives, as we’ve seen In practice, students are streamed based on grades, not interest Social stigma attached to -2 Blending: In some classrooms, -1 and -2 students are mixed together. How would you structure a blended class? Different texts? Different assignments? Different grading criteria?
Options Gifted Alternative Schools/Programs (GATE, TLC, IB, AP) (Alternative High School, Piitoayis Family Schooling, Embrace the World: Zhong Wen, Embrace the World: En Espanol)
GATE Students who are coded as gifted and talented have three options within the CBE: Address exceptional needs in local school, through an IPP Attend an alternative program Attend the designated Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program Social Implications: Gifted children sometimes experience difficulties relating to their peers, which may initiate the IPP process. Gifted children often have emotionally intense reactions to social injustice, and may be deeply philosophical or religious. They occasionally rebel against routine. May have uneven development--e.g. extremely high academic knowledge, but lagging in physical or social skills.
Options Options for academic enrichment, not limited to students coded as gifted, also include: Advanced Placement (AP) Courses (College Board) Enriched courses leading to exams accepted by many colleges and universities for first-year credit International Baccalaureate (IB) Courses, Diploma 2-year Diploma program involves enriched courses, an Extended Essay and a creativity/action/service component Emphasis is on global citizenship, intercultural understanding, and critical thinking Up to a full year of post-secondary credit Programs in 140 countries
TLC Program Objectives Mission: Teaching Philosophy: Teacher-directed instruction and character education to foster reflective thinking, continuous learning and responsible citizenship. Prepare students to meet the moral, technological and global challenges of the 21st century. Teaching Philosophy: Quality learning occurs when instruction is direct, sequential, enriched, and provides in-depth coverage of the classical liberal arts disciplines Character Education The three pillars of character education are respect for self, others and the environment. Each month a different virtue is emphasized. The focus is on commonly held values shared by all cultures such as responsibility, perseverance, honesty, friendliness, love, and compassion. The positive, pro-active approach creates a climate of mutual respect with high expectations. Program Objectives
Emotional Implications TLC: In Practice Social Implications TLC students are a very broad demographic, but typically share wide parental involvement in their studies. In many cases, TLC students come from immigrant families who want to see a more teacher-driven “older-style” education system, with uniforms, standing to speak, and very regimented Programs of Study. Emotional Implications Many TLC students feel the influence of their parents and are very driven to succeed. In many cases, they have pressure from home to take on extra assignments and perform well on tests and projects. Students have a tendency to be very academically focused, and not as socially focused.
Alternative Official Objectives: What is offered: Balance of Culture and Language Respect for Space Lifelong learning Academic Mastery Teaching responsible citizenship Holistic education Developing positive self image and self esteem Alternative What is offered: Grades K-12 Programs include fine arts, languages, Montessori, Sports Alternative, Science Schools, Traditional Learning Centres
Assessment On an exit slip, please list: 2 things you learned 2 areas where you would like to learn more