BMHS ADMINISTRATION Principal Dr. Richard Caldes Assistant Principals Mr. Daniel O’Cone - 9th & Seniors P-Z Mrs. Lynn Coddington - 10th & Seniors A-G Mrs. Marianne Kavanagh - 11th & Seniors H-O Director of Athletics Mr. Edward Sarluca
SUPERVISORS Business – Dr. Caldes College & Career Readiness/ROTC – Mr. O’Cone English – Mrs. VanNosdall Health & Physical Education – Mr. Sarluca Math – Mr. Thompson Social Studies – Dr. Caldes Science – Mr. Hrycenko Special Education – Mrs. Kavanagh Visual & Performing Arts – Mr. O’Cone World Language – Mrs. Kavanagh
English - Ms. Jayne VanNosdall Two courses in English for Grade 9 students in General Education: English I Honors - “A” in both MP1 and MP2 and maintain for second half of year, teacher recommendation, 85% or better on Writing Benchmark and Meeting or Exceeding Expectations on PARCC. Students should have a passion and aptitude in literacy: 5 credit, 1 semester course * Summer Reading English I CP- College Prep 5 credit, 1 semester course. Genre study: poetry, short stories, drama , novel and related non-fiction * Summer Reading ELECTIVE : Journalism
Math - Mr. Christopher Thompson Courses in mathematics for grade 9 students: Algebra I Honors: 5 credits (semester course). Greater than 92 (A) in 8th grade mathematics, teacher recommendation, and Meeting or Exceeding Expectations on PARCC assessment or a recommended option for 8th grade Algebra students who do not Meet Expectations on the Algebra 1 PARCC. *Summer Packet* Algebra I: 10 credits (full-year mathematics course). Most students will be enrolled in this mathematics class. *Summer Packet* Geometry Honors: 5 credits (semester course). Greater than 92 (A) in 8th grade Algebra, recommendation, and Meeting or Exceeding Expectations on PARCC assessment. *Summer Packet* ELECTIVE: Exploring Computer Science
Science - Mr. Walter Hrycenko Two Courses in Science for Grade 9 students: Biology I Honors - “A” in both MP1 and MP2 in 8th grade Science and 8th grade Math or “A” in both MP1 and MP2 in 8th grade Science and “A or B” in 8th grade Algebra - 5 credit, 1 semester course * Summer Assignment Environmental Science - College Prep - 5 credit, 1 semester course.
Social Studies- Dr. Caldes World History Honors: 5 credits “A” in both MP1 and MP2 in 8th Grade Social Studies and English. Students should have passion and aptitude for reading and writing. Most students will also be enrolled into English I H. World History: 5 credits Electives:World Geography-5 credits World Religions-5 credits
COUNSELORS Freshmen Counselors Coordinator of Guidance Mr. McKnight: Special Services Counselors Mrs. Leone: A - CI TBD: CO- GA Mrs. Reinhard: GE –LI Mrs. Geroni: LO-PA Ms. Oates: PE– SO Mrs. Small: SP-Z
CHILD STUDY TEAM Mrs. Ryan: Grade 9 Mrs. Badders: Grade 10 Mrs.VanSchoick: Grade 11 Ms. Arnone: Grade 12
STUDENT HANDBOOK The Student Handbook is located on the BMHS website at *PLEASE REVIEW THE HANDBOOK* All other policies may also be found on the district website.
MUSTANG ATHLETICS Athletic Director Mr. Edward Sarluca Athletic Secretary Ms. Sara Petraccoro 732-785-3000 ext. 3029 Athletic Trainer Susan Penrod 732-785-3000 ext. 3051
ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT POINTS OF INTEREST Academic Eligibility – 15 credits/30 credits (should always take 4 classes) Physical Eligibility (medical clearance) NO Athletic Insurance 4 Hours of School Random Drug Testing Schedules and Info on NCAA “Eligibility Center” Guidelines
THERE WILL BE NO BULLYING IN OUR SCHOOL We at BMHS have ZERO TOLERANCE for any type of bullying. Bullying has increased in schools across the country. We ask our students to be visible and report any type of bullying. We ask you, our parents, to be aware of cyber-bullying on the computer.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The class of 2022 needs 130 credits to graduate. A student can receive 40 credits per year (20 credits per semester). Each semester consists of 4 classes earning 5 credits per class. Honors & Advanced Placement courses are weighted: All Honors courses are weighted with 5 additional points in their final grade. All Advanced Placement courses are weighted with 10 additional points in their final grade.
Graduation Requirements English - 20 Credits (4 Courses) Fine Art - 5 Credits Math - 15 Credits (3 Courses) Career/Business/Technology - 5 Credits Science - 15 Credits (3 Courses) Financial Literacy - 5 Credits World History - 5 Credits Health and Phys. Ed - 20 Credits US History - 10 Credits (2 Courses) Electives - 25 Credits World Language - 5 Credits TOTAL = 130 Credits
Electives College & Career Readiness Robotics 1 Electricity & Electronics Family and Consumer Science Fashion & Interior Design Nutrition & Wellness Woodworking House Design Drafting & Design 1 ROTC Fine Arts Art 1 Graphic Design & Digital Media Television Production Band Chorus Vocal Techniques Theory of Music Music Technology Survey of Music Acting 1 Dance 1 & 2 Business Accounting 1 Office Productivity Applications Sports & Entertainment Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Website Development Law for Business & Personal Use Intro to Marketing Intro to Business
Sample Student Schedule on the Block Semester 1 Block 1 - English 1 Block 2 - Algebra 1 Block 3 - Foundations of Wellness Block 4 - Spanish 1 Semester 2 Block 1 - World History Block 2 - Algebra 1 Block 3 - Environ. Science Block 4 - Elective
ON-LINE SCHEDULING Parents/Guardians and students will be able to request courses on-line in parent portal. 8th grade parents will be able to make requests from 2/9/18 - 2/23/18. 9th - 11th grade students will be able to make requests from 2/12/18 - 2/23/18 Beginning 2/26/18, guidance counselors will meet with students to build schedules
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