w.o.w. 9th Grade empowerment Packet A Freshman’s Guide to High School
What makes high school so different from middle school? *Page 4 in your booklet: Credits are required to move from one grade level to another 9th to 10th: 5 or more Credits 10th to 11th:11 or more Credits 11th to 12th: 17 or more Credits 12th to Graduation: 24 Credits
Graduation Requiremtents (page 5) *4 Credits of English (Language Arts) *4 Credits of Math (Algebra 1 & Geometry are required) *3 Credits of Science (Biology is required) as well as a Physical Science (Physics, Earth/Space Science, or Chemistry *3 Credits of Social Studies (World History, U.S. History, Economics w/ Financial Literacy & American Government (half a credit of each)
Grad Requirements Continued… Testing and GPA Requirements *Passing the 10th Grade FSA/ELA Florida Standard Assessment in English Language Arts * Passing the Algebra 1 EOC End of Course Exam 2.0 Cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) Other EOC’s: Biology, Geometry and U.S. History *All EOC’s are 30% of final course grade 1 Credit of Performing/Fine Arts 1 Credit of PE (Personal Fitness and another PE) 8 Credits of Electives *Choose wisely as they may lead to a future career
Don’t freak out guys!! _ jfjeoirhsof-Stay Organized! - Attend office hours to ask questions _ jfjeoirhsof-Stay Organized! - Check your grades regula regularly (once a week) - Visit your counselor - If you fail something….. TRY AGAIN! Remember: First Attempt In Learning Instead, make a plan For SUCCESS! Here’s how!
We were all freshman once too There is no growth without a bit of struggle and that’s ok. We won’t give up on you so don’t give up on yourself ;)
We’re so excited to work with you towards the future your efforts will build