High School Readiness Dr. Watkins Walton Class of 2022 High School Readiness Dr. Watkins
Rising Freshman Registration Dates MS Teacher recommendations Friday, February 9 Registration forms go home Monday, February 26 Completed and signed forms are due back to the Middle School on Monday, March 5 Student schedules are created in May
Your Counselors Ci-G Judy Rangel H-K Donna Dunham L-N Natalie Galvin Students are assigned by last name: A-Ch Laura Clary Ci-G Judy Rangel H-K Donna Dunham L-N Natalie Galvin O-Sl Tina Harwood Sm-Z Lisa Fay http://donnadunham.wixsite.com/waltoncounseling/staff
A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D = 1.0 F = 0.0 Grade Point Averages Honors - .5 extra quality point EXCEPT: H 9th Lit Accel Alg/Geom A APs and Level 4 and above – 1.0 extra quality point (regardless of grade level) A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D = 1.0 F = 0.0
Grading and Grade Reports You will receive 2 progress reports (6 and 12 weeks) and A final Report Card (18 weeks) Only the FINAL REPORT CARD grade will appear on the transcript (posted in December and May) Please remember that progress report grades do not post to the transcripts
Admission Requirements GPA AP’s Emory/Georgia Tech 4.0 + 7 + UGA 3.8 + 4 + Georgia State 3.3 Georgia southern 3.0 Kennesaw 2.5 Chattahoochee Tech 2.0 These are just average estimates. Extracurricular activities also play a factor for College admission.
Graduation Requirements Units Required English/Language Arts 4 Mathematics 4 Science 4 Social Studies 3 Health .5 Personal Fitness .5 CTAE and/or Fine Arts and/or Foreign Language 3 Electives 4 Total Units (Minimum) 23 https://www.waltonhigh.org/cms/lib/GA02224917/Centricity/Domain/28/Academic%20Planning%20Guide%202017-2018.pdf
Potential Classes Science Environmental Science Biology H Biology SS World Geography AP Human Geography LA 9th Literature H 9th Literature Math Algebra 1 ACC Algebra 1/Geometry A Honors Geometry Acc Geometry B/Algebra 2
Elective Requirements 3 Units from Career Tech and/or Foreign Language and/or Fine Arts Students planning to enter or transfer into a University System of Georgia institution must take at a minimum two units of the same foreign language; some out-of-state colleges require more Some out-of-state colleges require 1.0 unit of a Fine Arts or Computer class for admission 4 additional elective units Chosen from any category
Academic (Core) Electives Key Slides Rising Freshman Parent Meeting Academic (Core) Electives English: Yearbook Social Studies: World Geography, Psychology, Current Issues, Leadership, AP Psychology, AP Human Geography Extra Sciences, Math, & Foreign Languages Highly recommended for college! www.popehigh.com Academic Tab, Registration or Counseling
Sample 4-year Plan 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade 9th Lit British Lit American Lit World Lit Algebra Geometry Algebra 2 Pre-Calculus Biology Chemistry or Environ Physics 4th Science AP Human OR World Geo. (opt.) Gov/Econ US History World History Elective 3 Electives MUST be a combination of Foreign Language, Fine Arts and/or Career Tech One elective MUST be Health and Personal Fitness 4-year college admission requires at least 2 years of the same foreign language (more FL shows greater rigor; some colleges require more)
Log-in screen on Career Cruising
The log-in goes to this page. See the 8th grade IGP link in yellow The log-in goes to this page. See the 8th grade IGP link in yellow. ONLY USE THIS PAGE IF STUDENTS DO NOT NEED THE CAREER CRUISING INFORMATION. Skip it and use the next slides if they need Career Clusters and Learning Styles information for use on the graduation plan.
Click on Assessments to get results needed for the IGP
Learning Style information is here Learning Style information is here. Then click on Matchmaker to get Career Clusters.
Career Clusters are listed here.
Click on My Plan to get to page with IGP link
This is at the bottom of the page.
Use whatever the student uses as standard log-in for computer use
Individual Graduation Plan This information is from career cruising
Everyone takes these classes Everyone takes these classes. Different names, but same number of credits.
Enter the number of classes taken at middle school for high school credit. Personal fitness and Health are required of all students.
These are the electives and they can become a pathway.
Keep adding classes until you get to 24 for traditional schools 32 for block schools. Middle school credits also count.
Must check that you understand about dual credit. Then submit.
Big Picture Think about where your life is going. What are your passions? Skills? Interests? Develop an education plan. Consider it a rough draft that can be changed and edited as you get new information Dream big. Work Hard. Follow your plan. A formal apprenticeship, technical school, 4 year college, or 4 year university could be in your future.
Now, return to Career Cruising… It’s important to make plans with your goal in mind… Under “Assessments” click “View Matches”
Learning Style information is here Learning Style information is here. Then click on Matchmaker to get Career Clusters.
8th Grade Career Cruising Explore the list of suggested careers. Save a career by clicking the Save to My Plan button. Click the Back to Matchmaker button and repeat this two more times. (You must save three careers!)
You will do great! If you need anything, please contact me at Kimberly.Watkins2@cobbk12.org