An IFU slicer spectrometer for SNAP IFU slicer concept Compact and light (20x30x10 cm) Galaxy and SN spectrum at the same time Entrance point Pupil & slit mirror Slicer Prism Detector Camera Collimator IR path Development in France, Marseille CNRS (IN2P3,INSU ) Visible IR Wavelength coverage (m) 0.35-0.98 0.98-1.70 Field of view 3.0" / 6.0" Spectral resolution, l/dl 70-200 70-100 Spatial resolution element (arc sec) 0.15 detectors LBL CCD 10 mm HgCdTe 18 mm Efficiency with OTA and QE >50% >40% 19/09/2018 Anne EALET
Slicer Concept λ SN Slicer Mirror Array Telescope Focal Plane “Slice” image into the telescope focal plane “Rearrange them along the entrance slit of spectro : the row of slit mirror Row of Pupil Mirrors Row of Slit Mirrors λ 19/09/2018 Anne EALET
Simulation l x,y 1.0 1.8mm 0.8 1.2 mm 0.6 Needed to control Developed in Marseille in phase with the instrument Flatfield l Background 1.0 1.8mm 0.8 1.2 mm 0.6 Needed to control and validate a % precision visible infrared x,y PSF parametrised with ‘Shapelet’ +neural network 19/09/2018 Anne EALET
R&D: Spectrometer demonstrator A SNAP demonstration spectrometer assembly is going on … Build a complete spectrometer with new slicer design and SNAP specifications Prove SNAP requirements for spectro-photometric performances include fabrication and testing test both in room T° and cold T° Validate and tune the simulation detector spectrometer unit Well in phase with the SNAP instrument Same optical design Same characteristics (PSF, sampling ..) Validation in visible and IR range. slicer unit Funded by CNRS (IN2P3/INSU), CNES and Berkeley university steering unit 19/09/2018 Anne EALET
General design Overall dimensions with the IR detector = snap spectrometer + some relay for convenience on the detector positioning 420 mm 270 mm The SNAP one 210 mm 630 mm 650 mm 19/09/2018 Anne EALET
R&D : SNAP Spectrograph demonstrator Concept done Technical review in Nov 05 Manufacturing started Integration and test for end 2006 Cold test in a cryostat used currently for Herschel in LAM Warm tests in a dedicated clean room 19/09/2018 Anne EALET
Demonstrator schedule 2005 2006 Demonstrator design Demonstrator building assembly IR test design and build Warm test H1RG test Cold test Slicer unit : design and build Steering mirror : calibration, build and tests 19/09/2018 Anne EALET