PTO Presentation E.W. Pugh, Media Specialist January 23, 2017
WHAT IS ? GMS Pilot Program
WHAT IS ? myON is a personalized literacy program that provides access to 5090 digital books Created to enhance the reading experience myON develops an individual profile for each student based on his or her interests and reading ability, and generates a recommended book list.
HOW DOES WORK? myON enables anytime, anywhere access to digital books that students can read, rate, review, and share with classmates through safe social networking. myON allows end of book quizzes and also linked to AR quiz myON allows you to monitor, track and measure student reading growth.
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS FOR STUDENTS? Students have the opportunity to choose what they want to read. Allow students to explore new genres and become familiar with undiscovered topics. Allow students to read for longer periods of time with more challenging types of text. Recorded audio, and highlighting at the word and sentence level. Student develop better attitudes and behaviors around reading.
IS ACCESSIBLE ON MOBILE DEVICES? Yes. FREE myON app iPads, Chrome Browsers Android Tablets Kindle Fire HD. The app comes with one downloadable book and subscribers can download up to 20 books at a time for offline reading.
CAN STUDENTS USE AT HOME? Yes The online platform uses cloud- based technology to connect school and home through anytime, anywhere access to an expanding collection of enhanced digital books.
Unlimited Access
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Q&A 1.800.864.3899 E.W. Pugh, Media Specialist Extension - 42004