Fitnessgram Fitness Assessment
Fitnessgram A complete battery of health-related fitness items that can be compared to age and gender specific standards Helps to promote lifelong physical activity among teenagers
Fitnessgram Assess Cardiovascular fitness Muscle strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Body composition
Fitnessgram Helps students evaluate their level of health and fitness track fitness goals
Sit-ups Mat Partner Put results on graph
Trunk Lift Mats Ruler partner Put results on graph
Push-ups partner Put results on graph
Sit and Reach test Sit and reach tester box Put results on graph
Skinfold Measurements Skinfold calipers Measurement locations (right side) Triceps Calf partner
One mile run Walk or run one mile in the fastest time possible treadmill
Hand out Must GRAPH your results Each graph on the hand-out should be graphed with your results NOTE: in or above the shaded area on the graph is average or above average for your age group