Physics unit 13 - magnetism
Warm – Up: Daily Goal(s): Agenda: HW: Day 1 Pick a new seat with new neighbors. Discuss: What are magnets? How are they used in everyday life? Agenda: Magnetism Basics What is a Magnet? Magnetic Fields. Daily Goal(s): P.5D – Investigate examples of Magnetic forces in everyday life HW: None
Magnetism Basics Magnets have been known for centuries. The ancient Chinese and Greeks used a stone called “magnetite.” This stone always pointed in the same direction. These were used in navigation. Magnetism- the force felt in a magnetic material due to the arrangement of its atoms. All magnetic phenomena result from forces between electric charges in motion.
magnetism basics Every magnet has 2 poles – North and South Like Poles Repel each other Opposite Poles Attract each other *Magnetic Fields move away from the North pole and towards the South Pole*
Magnetism Basics There are NO monopoles! If you cut a magnet in half, each piece has two poles. Domains- areas in a material where all of the atoms are joined so that their magnetic fields go in the same direction.
Activities Cut out the “What is a Magnet?” pieces. glue the magnet into your notebook and then glue the magnetic cards to the magnet and the non-magnetic cards away from the magnet. Write what happens to the strength of the magnetic force as you move away from the magnet. Cut out the “Magnetic Field” pieces. glue the two magnets into your notebook and then draw the field lines for both magnets.
Assessment Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper and turn them in. What is a magnet? What are magnets made of? What is a magnetic object? What affects the strength of a magnet’s magnetic force?
Warm – Up: Daily Goal(s): Agenda: HW: day 2 List 3 ways you use magnets in everyday life. Agenda: Introduction to magnetism worksheet Magnetism video Daily Goal(s): P.5D – Investigate examples of Magnetic forces in everyday life HW: Finish Worksheet
Magnetism Video As you watch the video: Write down key points Listen – don’t talk. After you watch the video: 1. Write a summary of the video and turn it in.
Warm – Ups: Daily Goal(s): HW: Agenda: day 3 What kind of materials can be picked up with a magnet? What kind of materials can’t be picked up with a magnet? Agenda: Magnetism Lab Daily Goal(s): P.5D – Investigate examples of Magnetic forces in everyday life HW: Finish Lab report
Warm – Ups: Daily Goal(s): Agenda: HW: Day 4 Discuss: If the north pole of a magnet points toward the north geographic pole, where is Earth’s north magnetic pole located? Agenda: Real – World Magnets Earth as a Magnet Activity Daily Goal(s): P.5D – Investigate examples of Magnetic forces in everyday life HW: None
Real-World Magnets The Earth is a magnet! Earth’s core is a solid iron core surrounded by molten (liquid) iron. The movement of the core creates Earth’s magnetic field.
types of magnets Permanent Magnet- an object made of matter that is permanently magnetized lodestone, horseshoe magnets, etc… Temporary Magnet- an object that becomes magnetic in the presence of a magnetic field paperclips, pliers, etc… Electromagnet- a temporary magnet produced by electric current
Creating magnets Magnetization- turning an object into a magnet Demagnetization- the loss of an object’s magnetic force
Earth as a magnet activity Cut out the picture of the Earth and the magnet. obtain a brass fastener and push it through the circles on the pictures so that the magnet is on top of the Earth. glue the whole thing into your notebook, making sure that the magnet can freely rotate. label the magnetic field and the north and south geographic and magnetic poles.
assessment Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper and turn it in. What causes Earth to act like a giant magnet? Where is Earth’s magnetic South pole? Where is Earth’s magnetic North pole? What is one way to demagnetize a magnet?
Warm – Up: Daily Goal(s): Agenda: HW: day 5 If you break a magnet in half, can you end up with one piece being only north and the other being only south? Explain. Agenda: Half-Day!!! Magnetic Induction Video Daily Goal(s): P.5D – identify examples of magnetic forces in everyday life HW: none
Magnetic Induction video You will need to turn in a summary of the video at the end of class – so pay attention!
Warm – Up: Daily Goal(s): Agenda: HW: day 6 What is magnetic induction? Agenda: Electromagnet Notes Electromagnet Activity Daily Goal(s): P.5D – identify examples of magnetic forces in everyday life HW: Finish Worksheets
electromagnets Electromagnet- a temporary magnet created by an electric current. a wire is connected to a power supply the wire is coiled around a core (nail) when the circuit is closed, the core becomes a magnet The strength of an electromagnet depends on: The amount of voltage. larger battery = stronger magnet The number of coils in the wire. more coils = stronger magnet The size of the core. bigger core = stronger magnet
common uses for electromagnets Hard disk drives Scrap metal sorting MRI machines
Electromagnet activity Cut out the electromagnet diagram. fold along the dotted lines glue the diagram into your notebook so that the picture is face up answer the questions on the flaps
Warm – Up: Daily Goal(s): HW: Agenda: day 7 Write your hypothesis and sketch your components on the lab paper. Read the entire procedure. Agenda: Electromagnet/Motor Lab Daily Goal(s): P.5G – Investigate and describe the relationship between electric and magnetic fields in motors. HW: Finish Lab Paper
Daily Goal(s): Warm – Up: Agenda: HW: Day 8 Discuss: How could you use an electromagnet in a career you are interested in? Agenda: Review for Test Daily Goal(s): P.5D – identify examples of magnetic forces in everyday life P.5G – Investigate and describe the relationship between electric and magnetic fields in motors. HW: Study for the test
Daily Goal(s): Warm – Up: Agenda: HW: Day 9 Get out your notes, ready to take the test. Agenda: Unit Test Article about Modern Physics Daily Goal(s): P.5D – identify examples of magnetic forces in everyday life P.5G – Investigate and describe the relationship between electric and magnetic fields in motors. HW: None