A Survey of Routing Techniques for Mobile Communication Networks S Ramanathan Martha Steenstrup Presented by Arun T-M and Nihal Sequeira
Introduction Popularity of mobile wireless networking factors Scope of this paper Routing system constituents What does the Routing system do? Issues, challenges and solutions 9/19/2018 CS 599
Network Organization Stationary endpoints Mobile endpoints Stationary switches Wireline Cellular Mobile switches Satellite Packet radio 9/19/2018 CS 599
Cellular Networks Stationary switches and mobile endpoints Frequency reuse and system capacity Cells and Base stations Cellular networks --AMPSPCSGSM Design problems a)Partioning b)Cell radii, base station location,Overlap c)Cell splitting,Handoffs,mobile switching 9/19/2018 CS 599
Packet Radio Networks Whats in packet radio network? Switch mobility EX:PRNET, SURAN Problems Clustering switches Clustering techniques --Local clustering algorithm --Hierarchical Clustering 9/19/2018 CS 599
Satellite Networks Satellite switches Users covered through ground-satellite Inter-satellite LEO satellites Problems in organization Design best topology No of satellites,positions,orbits,grazing angles Inter-satellite connectivity 9/19/2018 CS 599
Location tracking Mobility tracking Identifier—address mappings Generic Issues how to initiate changes in database? Organizing and maintaining database 9/19/2018 CS 599
Update location database Operations->Updating and Finding Static strategies Location Areas Reporting cells Drawbacks: Inaccurate user mobility, frequency Dynamic Strategies a) Every Tsecs b)After M crossings c) Distance exceeds D->difficult implementation 9/19/2018 CS 599
Organization of Location database Minimize latency and overhead Single storage space, single point of failure Three way tradeoff between overhead, latency and simplicity Partition network and distributed database concepts HLR,VLR concepts 9/19/2018 CS 599
Location tracking in PCS -- IS-41 and GSM standards --Partitioning and two level hierarchy --HLR->VLR->MSC interaction for mobility tracking Location tracking in the Internet -- Mobile IP support for mobile hosts --care-of address, mobility binding 9/19/2018 CS 599
Location tracking in Packet Radio Networks --”flat" packet radio network not scalable --Hierarchical Clustering(EX:SURAN) --hierarchical address --address servers --NAVSTAR GPS system for routing messages 9/19/2018 CS 599
Routing selection and forwarding Stationary infrastructure Cellular telecommunication networks Mobile-controlled handoff Mobile endpoint monitors signal quality. Network-controlled handoff Endpoint’s base station monitors signal quality Mobile-assisted handoff Base station monitors quality assisted by mobile endpoint Soft handoff Mobile endpoint affiliated with multiple base stations 9/19/2018 CS 599
Routing selection and forwarding Wireless ATM networks Connection re-establishment Entire new virtual circuit established Connection modification Original connection modified Connection prediction Multiple connections established Internetworks Direct routing Triangle routing Multicast 9/19/2018 CS 599
Routing selection and forwarding Mobile infrastructure Minimum cost routing Link-state and distance-vector algorithms Metrics Promoting efficient use of transmission capacity, hop count, capacity, interference Route discovery Broadcast, random selection Alternate routes Changes in network connectivity, failure in primary route, break in current route Hierarchical routing Quasi hierarchical routing Enhances tier routing by including minimum distance to other radios Strict hierarchical routing Uses tier routing within a cluster and link state routing among clusters 9/19/2018 CS 599
Thank You 9/19/2018 CS 599