The Future of the ILS: Add on or Start Over? Ann Montanaro May 24, 2007
First screen of the Pines Evergreen system.
Advanced search screen for the PINES Evergreen system.
2nd screen- Note display options of related subjects and authors
IRIS screen shown just as a contrast – all screens of both systems are configurable.
Note the use of icons as ways to visually identify types of material – text, sound recording,
In Evergreen, unlike OCLC and other catalogs, the dust jacket can be enlarged.
3rd screen – browsing the shelf – set for PINES but could be set to single library. In IRIS the only way to do this is to do a call number search. Then it just browses the shelf of the library where the item is located.
NC State Catalog opening page with search of “pop-up” as an anywhere search. Note the two search boxes, the top one is an Endeca, the bottom one is a Sirsi index search.
“Anywhere” search using term pop-up.
NC State view of individual bibliographic record. Note browse the shelf. This feature may be using the Sirsi indexes because it, too, only searches the library where the item is located.
NC State Catalog “browse the shelf” around the Frooman collection NC State Catalog “browse the shelf” around the Frooman collection. Location is limited to Special Collections.
The results show the LC classification areas where books with the term “pop-up” are found.
NC State Catalog limiting the view to only those records with pop-up in science. Note the circulation status. Since this is based on a nightly extract into Endeca, the circulation status may be 24 hours out-of-date.
Showing self-correcting spelling. The term montanro was entered.
The search engine matches the term actually in the catalog and presents the results. It is not always a correct “match.”
McMaster University also uses Endeca and this is their initial screen.
University of Washington first screen University of Washington first screen. This is a beta test of OCLC WorldCatlocal. It is searching the University of Washington, the shared catalog of the Washington and Oregon academic institutions, and WorldCat.
UW searching Worldcat and local catalog. First results are articles UW searching Worldcat and local catalog. First results are articles. OCLC has a partnership with Openly Informatics and the article citations come from that knowledge base.
UW Showing detailed record for book title 5 in list UW Showing detailed record for book title 5 in list. The circled four at the bottom are the other holdings in the consortium.
The is the second part of the previous screen. It is WorldCat The is the second part of the previous screen. It is WorldCat. The searcher has set 08816, her home zip code, as the location, so the holdings displayed are those closest to 08816.
Return to the results screen.
Detailed display of the first record Detailed display of the first record. Since the IP address of the searcher resolves to Rutgers, that is what is displayed.
Click on Rutgers and it does an ISBN search of the Rutgers catalog to display these holdings.
Return to results screen.
Choose the red “Check for Online Access.”
The results of the request for “online access” go to the University of Washington link resolver.
North Carolina State University Georgia PINES North Carolina State University McMaster University XC URLs for the sites shown. University of Washington
Recommendations Continue to develop and enhance IRIS. Test the Evergreen with or without VALE participation. Do not investigate costly alternatives like Endeca. Follow the development of XC for possible application Consider using WorldCatlocal as an addition to IRIS.