Best Practices for Virtual Presenters Put instructor picture here Best Practices for Virtual Presenters PHD J– Pat, Heidi, Donna, Jean
Look who’s talking Ask them to introduce themselves in the chat area Image of chat area with arrow
What do you know? Poll: Have you attended any live virtual courses? Not taken any Regularly attend Occasionally attend (instructor would ask adult learners to use the chat to list characteristics that were most helpful)
Objectives Describe how to effectively teach on-line Describe the value of on-line training Identify interactive techniques to use
Session Agenda Virtual vs. Traditional Classroom Understanding your content options Powerful course introductions Interacting with your audience Audience will put check mark next to what they are interested in. Instructor will spend time according to interest from this slide.
Virtual vs. Traditional Classroom Classroom Management (poll: easier or harder when virtual) Typical Student Expectations (List in chat what they are) Carbon Footprint (look at iLinc feature to report it) Support Materials (ask the question and pass the floor to someone) Method of Delivery (ask which one they think is more difficult)