Skin, Muscles, & Bones By: Mr. Hunter
The skeletal system supports the body and protects delicate parts. Bones The skeletal system supports the body and protects delicate parts. Press your skin in various parts of your body. Where can you not feel bones? What organs are protected by what bones?
Which organs do these bones protect?
Why are bones important to you??? Protect vital organs Provide a _____ that supports other body systems Give the body its shape Allow for _____ to occur
Bones Bones are made of living _____, just as our muscles and skin are, so they can _____ themselves.
There are a little over _____ bones in the human body There are a little over _____ bones in the human body. Everyone, however has a different number of bones.
Are teeth bones? No! Teeth cannot repair themselves! When we get a hole in the _____, it does not repair itself.
The adult spine is made up of 25 separate bones called _____ . The Spine The adult spine is made up of 25 separate bones called _____ .
Why is the spine important to you? It protects the spinal cord. It is a support and attachment for other bones. It absorbs shock. It gives us flexibility in movement.
Mastoid Process Calcaneus Clavicle Label These Bones Cranium Sternum Scapula Ribs Vertebrae Pelvis Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges Tarsals Metatarsals Patella Fibula Tibia Frontal Temporal Parietal Occipital Radius Humerus Ulna Patella Fibula Tibia Femur Zygomatic Arch Maxilla Mandible Mastoid Process Calcaneus Clavicle
How did your muscles change during this activity? Sit in a chair with your feet on the floor. Place your hand around your leg. Straighten one leg. Repeat several times. How did your muscles change during this activity?
Every movement of your body… …from… … the beating of your heart … the movement of food down your throat … blinking of your eyes … is controlled by… MUSCLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skeletal muscle Skeletal muscle is attached to your _____ Skeletal muscle, like all muscle, is made up of long f_____ . Skeletal muscles can be described as _____ .
Smooth muscles are ______ . Smooth muscles are found in the _____ tract and in the walls of blood ______ (arteries and veins). Smooth muscles are ______ .
Cardiac muscle is found in the _____ . Cardiac muscles are _____ .
How do muscles work? Muscles work in _____ . Flexor: _____________________ Extensor: __________________