retaiN Conservation Districts of Iowa Iowa State University Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship I am excited to talk to you about a new program in Iowa, retaiN. retaiN is a partnership between Conservation Districts of Iowa – the association of soil and water conservation districts, our land grant university – Iowa State University and our department of agriculture.
retaiN retaiN seeks to give farmers the tools and information they need to make the best conservation decisions on their land, starting by helping farmers test for, understand and retain their nitrogen. Simple kits make testing tile water for nitrogen easy & provide solutions for retaining nitrogen on the farm. retaiN seeks to give farmers the tools and information they need to make the best conservation decisions on their land, starting by helping farmers test for, understand and retain their nitrogen. The main component of retaiN are these kits that I will pass around for you to take a look at. Tim Smith, an Iowa farmer acknowledged nationally for his conservation efforts was the inspiration for retaiN. We have observed Tim and many other farmers in Iowa increase their adoption of conservation practices after on farm monitoring. Tim stated after conducting tile water testing on his farm, “I always thought I was doing everything pretty good in terms of nitrogen stewardship, but it turned out I had room for improvement”
Kit contents: Nitrate/Nitrite Test Strips These kits contain 25 easy to use strips that farmers can use to test their tile water and other surface waters for nitrate.
Kit contents: Booklet How N is lost Using the strips to test your water Reading your results Retaining your N Practices that retain N Practice descriptions Average reductions in the loss of N Farmer input on practices Website Log for results Notes Project supporters The kit also contains a booklet based on Iowa’s nutrient reduction strategy. It includes information about nitrogen loss, using the strips to test for nitrogen and practices Iowa is promoting to retain nitrogen on the farm. The kits cost about $35 a piece with the majority of the cost being the nitrogen testing strips. While the kits are expensive, the impact they are having has generated an overwhelming interest by funders. There is also a retaiN website. Kits can be requested on the website and a 90 second instructional video on using the nitrogen testing strips is housed here. All the information from the booklet is on the website as well as resources for a conservation or agriculture staff to use when distributing the kits including a template press release, poster and PowerPoint presentation. Based on feedback from farmers and agriculture and conservation staff the website is being greatly enhanced with drone footage of conservation practices being installed, a widget to estimate a farmer’s costs of nitrogen loss and a menu of all other on farm testing opportunities. Contact information for the program leads is also housed there. instructional video | contact information | resources for those distributing kits | More to come!
Built more awareness and he will make changes in nitrogen application. Feedback Simple. Anyone can do it. - Farmer Some even texted me pics of their samples strips. - Conservation Staff Great conversation piece to get people talking about what is out there. -Agribusiness Personnel Will consider changing my fertilizer application methods if numbers are high. - Farmer Built more awareness and he will make changes in nitrogen application. - Agribusiness Personnel The kits were distributed through Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach staff, Certified Crop Consultants, commodity groups and other partners. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. 95% of kit users said they would use the kit again. Farmers are finding the kits easy to use and adopting conservation as a result and both conservation and agriculture staff are appreciating the kits ability to start a conversation with their customers about water quality and conservation. Funders have approached us wanting to make them available for farmers including Iowa Corn Growers Association and co-op’s to name a few. Also, over 80% of farmers surveyed would be willing to purchase their own kit and pay between $15-$20 for one. This was an excellent tool to introduce farmers within my WQI to monitoring. - Conservation Staff Kit easy to carry to sites. Gives immediate results. No waiting on lab analysis. - Farmer
Bring retaiN to your state! Conservation Districts of Iowa can help you… Get retaiN started in your state with a kit, website, etc. Get a reduced cost for your retaiN program Identify partners and funders Funding requests Grant writing Don’t delay! Contact CDI today! CONTACT: Alex Schmidt Conservation Districts of Iowa Linda King Executive Director 515.289.8300 Iowa wants to see other states benefit from retaiN as well and is willing to help you bring this program to your state. Contact Clare Lindahl, the Executive Director of Conservation Districts of Iowa. She can assist you in not only starting the program, but getting a reduced rate to tailor the kits and website to your state and to identify and secure funding for your retaiN project.