10/18/16 Autonomous Battery Charging of Quadcopter Accomplishments/Status. Developed a software procedure using ROS (Robot Operating System) and Python. This procedure is how we plan to fly the drone autonomous and detect objects. (Note: This was procedure was simulated in a Virtual Environment only (using ROS)) Upcoming Milestones Oral Presentation Code structure - will briefly describe the logic behind each step Plan Forward Apply software that was tested on the virtual simulation to a field test with the AR Drone. We will be testing for: Commands – Are the commands working the same way? Any inconsistencies? Communications – Is the Drone responding? Are there any Delays? Sensors – Are the sensors working as expected? Will we need to purchase any replacement components? Oral Presentation Preparation Issues: Will Image Processing always be able to locate a charging station? Other methods of locating the charging station besides image processing may be needed. GPS Light Detection Acoustic Sensor A larger battery may be worth investing in. Estimates of 8-12 minutes increase to 30 minutes with the larger 2000 mA model of the parrot AR drone battery. ~ $40 https://www.dronepartspro.com/products/parrot-ar-drone-2-0-1500-mah-high-density-battery?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&variant=24538528326