Monday, December 12th Entry Task What cells in the ear are most easily damaged by loud noises? Schedule: 16.4 Uses of Sound Objective: I will explain multiple ways that sound is used. Homework 16.4 RSG Please have on desk: ISN, week 14 entry task brochure
Tuesday, December 13th Entry Task If a wave has a frequency of 16 Hz, how many wavelengths per second does it have? Schedule: Chapter 16 Review Objective: I know and understand the concepts of Chapter 16, Sound Homework: Study for quiz Complete the review Organize your ISN Please have on desk: Science journal and sharpened pencil
Wednesday, December 14th Entry Task What are two ways to change the pitch: String instrument Wind instrument Percussion instrument Schedule: Chapter 16 Quiz Chapter 17 Introduction Objective: I will demonstrate my understanding of Chapter 16, Sound Homework Chapter 17 Introduction Turn in ISN tomorrow (today if you’ll be absent) Please have on desk: Chapter 16 Review
Thursday, December 15th Entry Task There is no entry task today. Turn in ISN to counter. 4th: under group 1 5th: under group 2 6th: under group 3 Schedule: Bill Nye “Science of Sound” Chapter 17 vocabulary Objective: I will understand the meaning of the terms in Chapter 17 Homework: Completed vocabulary due January 3rd. Please have on desk: Pencil, bin & textbook only
Friday, December 16th Entry Task There is no entry task today. Schedule: Extra Credit opportunity Objective: I will gain a better understanding of waves. Homework Remember Chapter 17 vocabulary is due Jan 3rd Please have on desk: Pencil