Our Earths Land and Aquatic Biomes Aubrey Wood 3B
Tundra A tundra is a treeless biome, covered in moss, lichen and grass. It is the northern most biome and covers northern North America, Europe and Asia.
Taiga A taiga biome is covered mostly in coniferous trees. This is a high elevation biome in North American and Europe with cold winters and mild summers.
Temperate Deciduous Forest This biome is in the eastern half of the United States and most of Europe, where the change of seasons is dramatic. This biome has lots of oak, maple, beech and birch trees.
Grasslands Grasslands cover vast areas and are covered my small plants. Grasslands are mostly Prairies and most of South Africa. This biome has extremely hot summers and freezing winters.
Tropical Rain Forest In this biome, it is warm and rains all year. This biome in South American, Africa, and Central America is home to thousand of species, but, sadly, is disappearing fast due to humans
Desert In desert biomes, not a lot of rain falls. This biome is mostly Western US and Africa. Lost of farming in this biome due to fertile soil.
Freshwater This aquatic biome is mostly rivers, streams, most lakes… No salt what so ever! This is where we get our drinking water yet, is slowly being polluted. Lake Tahoe is an example of a freshwater biome.
Marine Biomes The fallowing biomes (zones) are all Marine biomes… Part of the big blue wet thing, ya know?
Intertidal Zone This zone is covered in water some times, and not other times. This is where people go tide pooling.
Neritic Zone This zone goes from low tide range to the edge of open sea. Some animal found here are turtles, lobsters and crabs.
Open-Sea Zone This zone is not a tide zone, yet not deep sea. This is where you find water mammals and fish… think “Nemo.”
Deep Sea Zone This zone is all high pressure, cold temperature and no light. This is where you find those scary eels and squids. Save me!!
Estuaries Found where freshwater meets salt water. Mostly home to aquatic pants and occasionally, fish. A estuary at the Gulf of Mexico