The Bering Strait 14,000 + years ago Mongol’s crossed the frozen Bering Strait Dispersed into Migratory patterns across North America Largest civilizations found in South – Incas, Mayans, and Aztecs
Where did the Original Inhabitants of North America Come From 13,500 years ago Archeological evidence suggests a South Asian and Asian migration into present day Baja California 12,500 years ago Archeological evidence suggests a mongoloid migration over the Bering Strait from Siberia to Alaska
Archeological Evidence
Southwest Settlements Dry, arid region Modern Day New Mexico, Arizonza Cliff Dwellers of the Pueblo, Hokokm, Anasazi
Northwest Settlements Geographic locations created isolated societies Pacific Coast from Alaska to Northern California Hunter gathers who built totems to preserve their culture
Great Basin Nomadic Lifestyles European Contact – Utes and Southern Paiutes raid Spanish and Pueblo settlements Apache will move into present day Northern Texas
Great Plains Nomadic lifestyles Hunter gatherers Lived in family units Teepee structures With the advent of the horse Sioux becomes the “Buffalo Hunter”
Midwest Hunting and agriculture Permanent Settlements Adena-Hopewell (current day Ohio) famous for earthern mound structures
Northeast Settlements Dominated by the five (5) tribes of the Iroquis Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk Traders who formed political alliances amongst themselves Matrilineal
Three Sisters Corn (maize), squash, climbing beans or common beans Surplus of food stuffs becomes an economic value Three sisters are used as means of trade and have monetary value
Atlantic Seaboard Settlements Descendants of Woodland cultures Traders Suffered disease prior to English Colonization which left them weakened
Trouble in the middle East European countries expanding trade 1453 Ottoman Turks take control of Constantinople This creates a “middle man” who needs to be paid for trade goods with the East
SPAIN COMES TO TOWN Economic venture to further enrich the nation-state Columbus arrives in Barbados – 1492 beginning the exploration Hernan Cortes, Francisco Pizzaro, and Coronado explore the New World Conquistadors
Hernando Cortes Invaded and conquered Tenochtitlan (Present Day Mexico City) Successful largely due to disease Searching for silver and gold Montezuma – Aztec leader destroyed
Spain Continued 1565 St. Augustine in Florida first permanent European settlement in New World 1680 Pueblo Revolt Spain maintained rigid royal control over colonies which led to downfall
Spain as Colonizers Forced Incas and Aztecs into submission largely due to spread of disease Catholic Church sends Priests who set up Missions Colonies forced Native Americans to labor under the encomiendas system
BATTLE FOR CONTROL OVER THE NEW WORLD Spain and Portugal both claimed the New World – They turned to the Pope Vertical line drawn Spain has West of line, Portugal East of line 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas
Treaty of Tordesillas
Here’s France French explorer’s set up trading posts and trade with the Native American’s for furs, lumber, etc. Intermarry with Native American’s
THE BRITISH ARE COMING Arrived late due to civil wars Roanoke experiment Economic venture Financed through joint-stock companies
Columbian Exchange Cultural exchange Plants Animals Diseases