What did you say about my T-T-T project again??? Numbers 1,2,4,5,6 (and possibly 9)need to be submitted to Turnitin.com –individually – in the correct assignment spot (For example – RAFTS - #2 – should all be in one big 3 page document and then submitted in the assignment title Othello RAFT #2) before class begins. Citations for lines from a play (for 1,4,5,7 and 8 maybe) are done in the following way: Slash marks indicate the end of each line in the text
Just as a reminder…those choosing number 9 must have their creative project approved on the February 1st progress check day. All usual essay rules apply to all written assignments: double spaced, times new roman (except for RAFTs), 12 point font, 1 inch margins. On February 22th (the ultimate due date) – people who did Numbers 1, 3, 7,9 should be prepared to do presentations based on their work. People who did number 8 should feel free to use Microsoft Publisher or another layout in order to make their play review look like those in the newspaper.