Effects of the Industrial Revolution
Social classes: Become more divided: -bourgeoisie: upper class -proletariat: working class. **upper class= luxury; lower class= filth
19c Bourgeoisie: The Industrial Nouveau Riche
Criticism of the New Bourgeoisie
Stereotype of the Factory Owner
“Upstairs”/“Downstairs” Life
Factory Wages in Lancashire, 1830 Age of Worker Male Wages Female Wages under 11 2s 3d. 2s. 4d. 11 - 16 4s. 1d. 4s. 3d. 17 - 21 10s. 2d. 7s. 3d. 22 - 26 17s. 2d. 8s. 5d. 27 - 31 20s. 4d. 8s. 7d. 32 - 36 22s. 8d. 8s. 9d. 37 - 41 21s. 7d. 9s. 8d. 42 - 46 20s. 3d. 9s. 3d. 47 - 51 16s. 7d. 8s. 10d. 52 - 56 16s. 4d. 8s. 4d. 57 - 61 13s. 6d. 6s. 4d.
Industrial Staffordshire
More problems: Pollution Working conditions Living conditions Need for private charities: soup kitchens
The Silent Highwayman - 1858 Problems of Pollution The Silent Highwayman - 1858
Factory Workers at Home
Private Charities: Soup Kitchens
Protest and reform: Luddites: skilled workers, were against mechanization. -stormed factories, homes; destroyed power looms. -Ned Ludd: Mythical leader from Sherwood Forrest.
The Luddites: 1811-1816
The Luddites
Industrialization By 1850
Railroads on the Continent
Share in World Manufacturing Output: 1750-1900
Thinkers and Reformers Adam Smith “Father of Capitalism” Free Market Little to no government intervention in the economy. Self regulating Good for everyone
Reform measures… Thomas Malthus: Population will outgrow food supply Population controlled by war, disease, and famine. Poor should have less children.
Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution Adaptation the key to survival Competition causes the adaptation Survival of the fittest Misunderstood ideas lead to “Social Darwinism” Some people are more “fit” which makes them better
Other reformers… David Ricardo: iron law of wages Wages find a natural subsistence level where the wages of the poor will never rise enough to improve their standard of living Jeremy Bentham & John Stuart Mill Utilitarianism: Greatest good for the greatest amount of people; practical
Jeremy Bentham, and his head!
The Socialists: Utopians & Marxists People as a society would operate and own the means of production, not individuals. Their goal was a society that benefited everyone, not just a rich, well-connected few. Tried to build perfect communities [utopias].
ENLIGHTENMENT Communists, Marxists, Utopians, Russia Great Britain Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels COMMUNISM Utopians, Great Britain Robert Owen Saint Simon Fourier Louis Blanc SOCIALISM End result of each is the same, working for the good of the whole and abolition of private Property. The means in how to do it differs: socialists, gradual & peaceful, Communists are more violent and immediate.
Political Spectrum: Anarchist? Left: Center Right Communist Socialist Liberal Conservative Monarchist Fascist Anarchist?
Political changes… State owned industries Lower tariffs National banks Labor laws Rules for corporations Postal system