1CapApp Managing Student Clients using recurring sessions and automatic delivery of transcripts
Live Streaming Sessions CAT Software communicates with 1CapApp server via com port TCP/IP Text CAT Software Text Streaming Server Steno Notes Text Connect to 1CapApp Through 1Connect User / Writers Live Streaming Sessions Start & write session User / Admin Creates Sessions & assigns writers & viewers to the sessions Sends the viewer the link to the viewer web page Requirements & roles for creating and starting sessions User / Admin Create Users (who are the writers and other admins Creates Viewers (who are clients & viewers of the sessions Creates & Maintains the Sessions User / Writers Sends the client the link to the viewer screen Connects to 1CapApp using Serial IP or 1Connect Starts the Live Session Writes the session Stops the session Client / Viewer Receives the session link from the captioner Connects to the viewer web page Views the sessions Takes notes & Chats on the viewer page Receives transcript automatically. Connects to the viewer web page & views the session Viewers
Steps Create a preset that fits most of your students Set automatic delivery of transcript to enabled. Create recurring session using above preset Manage Individual events in a series using: Show Planned Sessions Calendar View Delete Recurring Session (All events in the series) Update Recurring Session (Update all events in the series) Update 1 event in the recurring series Delete 1 event in the recurring series Create new presets from preset created first
Session Presets Used for default values when creating sessions. Create a Preset for your recurring sessions. Your students will most likely all need the same kind of session setup. Create the preset to match what the students will need. Default Preset: When you create a new preset, the preset starts with whatever is defined in the default preset. This way if you need to create any other presets, they will start out with everything that was set up in the default. Recurring Session: Check the checkbox Viewers: Do not assign any Viewers to the default recurring preset other than the “Transcript Bank” viewer See Tip below. Tip: Create a Transcript Bank viewer. This viewer will be added to all sessions and will get the transcript from all sessions. This viewer will then have an email id that will hold all transcripts for all sessions. So in the default preset assign the “Transcript Bank” viewer.
Customize View Page behavior Client View Page Parms Customize View Page behavior Set the behavior you will use most often for students. Above settings cause the Client’s view page to have the following behavior, suitable for most students Note Taking box Chat Box showing all attendees Automatic send of Transcript to Clients assigned as viewers Automatic send of notes to Clients assigned as viewers Clients can copy from the streaming text. Clients can email the notes and streaming text. Reminder Email is not sent.
Create Recurring Session Go to Setup Session Select your Recurring Preset. Click Create
Create Recurring Session If your preset is created correctly, you will only have to: Name the session Set Date and Time Modify the recurring definition Add Viewers Name: Give the session a meaningful name Date: Set the start date of the first recurring session Time: Set the time of the first recurring session Recurring Session: Define the recurring session. There should be enough flexibility to be able to accurately define your recurring event. Here we defined the event as recurring every MWF at 10:00 am starting on Sept 1st and continuing until the last event on Dec 19th 2014. Viewers: Assign the viewers for the session. Tip: Create a Transcript Bank viewer. This viewer will be added to all sessions and will get the transcript from all sessions. Create an email that will hold all transcripts for all sessions.
Recurring Session Display Setup Sessions Recurring Session Display Calendar View: Gives you the ability to see and manage all future events, either recurring or non-recurring. Indicates Recurring Session Writer: Admin User showing that the session is unassigned. Show Planned Sessions: Show all planned recurring sessions in the series for this particular recurring session. Edit 1 Single Session: Click on Edit Session to change a single session in the recurring series. Edit all recurring sessions: Click on Edit Recurring Session to change something on the session that will affect all of the recurring sessions in the series.
Delete Recurring Events Click “Delete Recurring Event” and the “I’m Sure about it” check box and Recurrent Event will be deleted for all recurring sessions.
Deleting one event in a recurring series From Setup Session or from Show Planned Sessions or from the Calendar View click on the session you want to delete. The session information box displays. There are 3 ways to cancel/delete 1 session in a recurring series: Check the check box at the far right and press the Cancel Sessions(s) button at the top. Press “Edit Session” and at the bottom of the page press “Delete Session” Press the Cancel Button
Show Planned Sessions Filter: Optional Date Range filter You have the same edit functions as you have on the Setup Sessions page: Edit Session: Change only this one session Edit Recurring Session Change something for all recurring sessions
Calendar View Group by Writer: This button will group the sessions by writer, sorted by Date, writer and time of session. Shown at left is Monthly To switch to a different view, click “Weekly View” To return to the Setup Session view click “List View” By Default, sessions are displayed in date order and within date, by time. Session Info Display: In the Calendar view you can still get the session info display by left clicking on the session record.