Somatic Symptom Disorders Psychology
Somatic Disorders Excessive response (Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors) related to somatic symptoms.
Conversion Disorder (Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder) A Disorder in which serious psychological trauma is changed into a symbolic physical dysfunction. Typical Symptoms include…. Seizures, trouble w/ swallowing, paralysis, loss of sight, hearing, unusual speech, numbness, etc.
Medical tests must be done to rule out any physical cause. Diagnostic criteria primary symptom of conversion disorder is unusual or impaired motor or sensory function with no medial or neurological cause. Symptoms are NOT faked!!!!! Medical tests must be done to rule out any physical cause.
Defense Mechanism: unconscious psychological coping strategy. Cause: conversion disorder is most common after a stressful life event or period of stress Real life example: please put this in your notes/or cognitively encode this example. Defense Mechanism: unconscious psychological coping strategy.
Prevalence Onset of symptoms can begin in late childhood (10) to early adulthood (35). Rare to see before or after respectively. conversion disorder is commonly diagnosed in people who already experience anxiety disorders, panic disorder, depression or personality disorders.
Women= left side of the body. Gender Appears more in women. Women= left side of the body. See this disorder in men who are or who have served in the military.
multidisciplinary approach is necessary: Treatment multidisciplinary approach is necessary: psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and rehabilitation medicine specialists psychodynamic and cognitive behavior therapy is helpful in overcoming conversion disorder. Psychoanalysis is believed to be successful in treating 70% of conversion syndrome diagnoses (Rosebush & Mazurek, 2011).
New disorder Hypochondriasis
Hypochondriasis Preoccupation with fears of having, or the idea that one has a serious disease, based on a severe misinterpretation of one or more bodily signs or symptoms.
Typical bodily functions that causes them to become alarmed. Symptoms Typical bodily functions that causes them to become alarmed. Examples?
Psychological and cognitive symptoms last for at least six months. Diagnostic criteria Psychological and cognitive symptoms last for at least six months. Maladaptive Onset of symptoms typically early adulthood (late teens/20s) 1%-5% of the general population
Cause Three possible causes: Children they were given affection or support from people ONLY when they were sick. Serious illness in childhood Past experience w/ illness in a family member.
Difficult patient to treat. Therapist Difficult patient to treat. Social relationships become strained b/c the individual w/ Hypochondriasis expects special treatment.
Evaluate the patient/client for other possible causes. GAD OCD Panic Disorder Major Depressive Episodes Separation Anxiety Other Somatoform Disorders
Drug Abuse and Addiction New Category Drug Abuse and Addiction
DSM-IV A maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress. Symptoms list in your notes
Which one will you support? Cause Two different views Which one will you support?
Biology and Addiction Model E.M. Jellinek Alcoholism is a disease! View #1 Biology and Addiction Model E.M. Jellinek Alcoholism is a disease! Biochemistry, metabolism, and genetic predisposition. This model is ACCEPTED by most researchers, doctors, and the general public.
Learning, Culture, and Addiction Model View #2 Learning, Culture, and Addiction Model Addiction is a learned behavior response to stress. Coping mechanism Focus on WHY people use drugs and alcohol. Studies: Alcoholism is higher in cultures that have strict regulations.