Substance Abuse *NOTES alcohol, the drug that causes the most problems in our society by far, is not even on this chart! see British Scientist “Harm” chart
Marijuana Description green, brown, grey dry mixture Depressant Short Term Danger memory problems, clumsiness, anxiety Long Term Danger loss of interest, chronic cough or lung problems, IQ ?, psychological addiction
Inhalents (Glue, Gas) Description chemical on a rag, in a bag Depressant Short Term Danger nausea, chest pains, coordination problems Long Term Danger hearing loss, brain damage
LSD (Acid) Description pill, paper, liquid Hallucinogen Short Term Danger bad trip, safety issues, panic and confusion Long Term Danger “flashbacks,” severe depression, schizophrenic-like symptoms
PCP (Angeldust) Description powder (or pills) Stimulant Short Term Danger personal injury or death, with alcohol can = coma Long Term Danger OD, memory loss, speech problems, hormonal problems
Ecstacy Description pill, powder, liquid Stimulant / Hallucinogen Short Term Danger kidney or liver damage, accident-prone Long Term Danger spinal problems, brain swelling and death
Methanphetamine / Crystal Methanphetamine Description pill, tablets, powder Stimulant Short Term Danger physical addiction, confusion, tremors, aggression Long Term Danger heart failure, stroke, convulsions, poor decisions
Depressants (Downers) and Oxycontin Description pills, tablets (prescription) Depressant Short Term Danger physical addiction, confusion, tremors, lethargy Long Term Danger heart failure, stroke, convulsions, poor decisions
Cocaine Description powder, pill, “rock” Stimulant Short Term Danger physical addiction, with alcohol can = coma, heart problems Long Term Danger paranoia, heart failure, nose problems, brain damage
Heroin Description tar-like substance, powder Depressant Short Term Danger physical addiction, HIV if sharing needles, OD Long Term Danger vein problems, heart failure, stroke, poor decisions, teeth issues
“Speedball” (Cocaine / Heroin mixture) Stimulant / Depressant (** these do not go together well….) Major Risk of Heart Attack - John Belushi, River Phoenix, Chris Farley (and lots of people who aren’t famous) all died of a speedball overdose