Please take a look around the room if you like. We will start at 6:30. Hello Meet Ms. White Welcome to Ms. White’s 4th Grade! I am very excited to be teaching fourth grade this year. I have been teaching in Prince William County at Penn ES for 2 years now. I hope your son or daughter has had a pleasurable year thus far. Please stop by my class website to see what is happening in Room 124. I will be posting our upcoming units, events, study guides and more. Please take a look around the room if you like. We will start at 6:30.
Hello Welcome from Dr. Waltz
Hello Ms. White’s Web Page Check every couple of weeks…
Class Schedule 8:45 – 9:15 – Morning Announcements/Meeting Math Hello Class Schedule 8:45 – 9:15 – Morning Announcements/Meeting Math Virginia Studies 11:10 – 11:55 – Specials Core Extension 12:40 – 1:30 – Lunch/Recess Language Arts Science 3:30 – 3:45 – Pack Up & Dismissal
Day 5 - Guidance/Library Hello Specials Schedule Day 1 – PE Day 2 – Art Day 3 –Computer/STEM Day 4 - PE Day 5 - Guidance/Library Day 6- Music
Homework No assigned Homework…my philosophy. Hello Homework No assigned Homework…my philosophy. What they CAN do if you choose to have them do it…Study Island, Sheppard Software, SOL Pass, IXL, play outside, have family time, have them help a sibling with their homework… Read at least 20-30 min. a night. *Math facts!
Study Island WhiteLR26 Hello Student Login- First 6 letters of their last name or all if shorter, first initial, middle initial and last two # of graduation year. WhiteLR26 Password- student ID #
Communication Class Messenger is the best form of communication Hello Communication Wednesday Folder: Online every Wednesday Take Home Folder: Mainly for students to bring graded papers home from school and to bring their unfinished work back to school. Also, here is where you can put lunch $ and notes. Class Messenger is the best form of communication
Hello Class Messenger
Birthdays Suggestions for celebrating: Hello Birthdays Suggestions for celebrating: Donate a book to our class library Send in pencils for the class Come in and do an activity with the students Eat lunch with your child Let me know if you want to send a food treat in. *Peanut free room Please do not send in invitations. You can invite individual students on Class Messenger.
Field Trips Planetarium: @ Hylton HS (November 9th) Hello Field Trips Planetarium: @ Hylton HS (November 9th) Bus Trip: Jamestown (March)
Hello Language Arts Goals DRA – Students should be reading at a DRA 40NF/50F or higher by the end of the year. All students are expected to make a years worth of progress from their beginning of the year DRA. CSA- 3x a year, SOL-like, if students are scoring a 75 or higher, they SHOULD be able to pass the Reading SOL. Writing – Students should be able to write at least 4 paragraphs with 5 sentences. These should include a topic sentence, details and a closing sentence (beginning, middle and end).
Hello Math Goals Students should be able compute and work with numbers to the hundred millions. Multiply (3x2), partial product/Divide 2 into 3, partial quotient. Student should be able to solve word problems using the UPSC model (Understand, Plan, Solve and Check). Math Navigator- Screener’s used to find out which strands students need to work on. Units include: Numbers Sense & Computation (5 units), Geometry, Data Analysis and Probability, Patterns, Fractions, and Measurement.
Hello SOLs Virginia Studies… (school-Penn, password- penn), students all have blue VA Studies Notes & SOL Review books. Reading- CAT (computer adaptive testing) Math- CAT (computer adaptive testing) Tests are in May…parents will receive a permission slip for students to retake the test if their child scores in a certain range.
VA Studies Science Hello VA Geography VA Native Peoples First Permanent English Settlement Life in a VA Colony VA in the American Revolution Role of VA in New American Nation Civil War Reconstruction of VA VA in the 20th & 21st Centuries and YES, SOL! VA Studies Science VA Natural Resources Weather Solar System Earth-Moon-Sun Relationships Force & Motion Electricity & Magnetism Ecosystems Plants
Grading Letter Grading Hello Grading Letter Grading A 90-100 B+ 87-89 B 80-86 C+ 77-79 C 70-76 D+ 67-69 D 60-66 F 59 and below If your child receives anything less than an A on an assignment coming home, it is very beneficial to go over the missed items with them.
Hello Conferences Please sign up for a Goal Setting time through Class Messenger or see me after the presentation. Monday, Nov. 6 Tuesday, Nov. 7
Volunteers Donate items for a class party Copying for 4th grade Hello Volunteers Donate items for a class party Copying for 4th grade Reading with students Room Parent Watch D.O.G.S.
Hello Thank you for coming!!