The Civil Rights Movement Arya Hashimi Ashayla Russell Lauren Gacutan
The Movement The national effort made by black people and their supporters in the 1950s and 1960s to eliminate segregation and gain equal rights First began 1619, a year before the Mayflower when 20 African slaves were sold to settlers in Virginia "separate but equal" were the focal point of the Civil Rights Movement.
A Century of Segregation The Montgomery bus boycott had demonstrated that direct action can indeed work. This lasted until 1956 Elimination of segregations in public areas and the removal of signs was no mean feat Ella Baker, the Grassroots leader whose activism from the 1930s, pointed out that the struggle was the concern of something much bigger about segregation
Segregation, Effective Solution to Racial Differences? African Americans fought back with protests and political organizing. NAACP Campaign against lynching-successful drive The campaign for desegregated education was part of a larger struggle to reshape America's contours in terms of race. Charles Hamilton Houston, focused on segregated education NAACP Campaign defeated supreme court nominee, John J. Parker, for his white supremacist and anti-union views Charles Houston believed that it was the concentrated expression of all the inequalities blacks endured
Freeing the Slaves Slavery was the central of the war Emancipation Proclamation States rebelled Emancipation Proclamatin allowed Union to recruit black soldiers Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which freed the slaves in the confederate states in rebellion against the Union. The Emancipation Proclamation did more than lift the war, it also allowed the union to recruit black soldiers.
13th,14th,and 15th Amendment 13th amendment abolished slavery 14th amendment granted citizenship rights 15th amendment allowed African Americans to vote The 13th amendment obolished slavery officially. The 14th amendment granted citizenship rights to former slaves. The 15th amendment allowed African Americans to vote.
Breaking Baseball's Color Barrier Happened during 1940's Branch Rickey was president of the Brooklyn Dodgers Rickey signed Jackie Robinson in October 1945 Robinson was the first Black man in the major leagues In the Mid 1940's Rickey decided to sign a African American to the major leagues. On October 1945 Jackie Robinson was the first major league player. He was still not allowed to stay or eat at hotels and restaurants as his teammates. His teammates even refused to play with him.
Marching For Jobs and Freedom August 28,1963 Martin Luther King Jr. led a interracial peaceful assembly More than 200,000 people joined On August 28, 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. led a interracial peaceful assembly. More than 200,000 people joined to demand equal justice for all citizens.
Million Man March Marched at Washington, Louis Farrakhanwas the leader and the Nation Isalm organizer 400,000 Africans joined Benjamin Franklin directed them Thirty-two years after the march on Washington, Louis Farrakhan leader of the Nation Islam, organizer of Million Man March had 400,000 Africans joined being directed by Benjamin Franklin. Rosa Parks, Jesse. Jackson, Cornel West, and Maya Angelou had also joined,
Work Cited "Civil Rights 101", Civil Rights Chronology, 9/4/14 Clayborne Carson, "The American Civil Rights Movement", Encyclopedia Britannica, 9/3/14 Kenneth R. Janken, "The Civil Rights Movement: 1919-1960s", National Humanities Center, 9/4/14