Design Time
FINE ARTS DESIGN Have you ever seen the sand sculptures at Neptune Festival? How about Busch Garden’s Howl-O-Scream or the theme park aglow with eight million lights during the holiday season? Maybe you’ve heard the many bands playing during the Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon. What do these have in common? Do you have the creative EDGE? I’m sure you have heard of STEM, how about STEAM? It’s time we emphasize that “A” and tap your artistic side. You will enjoy discovering many different forms of art including plays and music entertainment, drawing, painting and photography as well as wearable and edible arts. Fine Arts Design will provide you endless opportunities to showcase your work including future installments in the new Outdoor Learning Commons. Attention band geeks, drama queens, fashionistas, you name it, you create it. The sky’s the limit!
EXPERIENCE IT Do you have any idea what IT stands for? Do you like playing with computers, phones, cameras, calculators, or other technological devices? Are you a risk taker? Do you like getting creative and designing things a little on the techy side? Then Experience IT might be just for you! You will play a cohesive role in being a creative innovator of many different technological infrastructures such as input/output systems, computer hardware and operating systems, Microsoft Office applications, web design, computer coding, app challenges, internet ethics, robotics, social networking, Lego challenges, and much more! Calling all nerds, computer gurus or even wannabes, don’t miss this opportunity!
OPERATION “RIPPLE EFFECT” Do you enjoy nature? Do you think an outdoor classroom promotes learning? If so, come be a part of our “Operation Ripple Effect” as we transform a limited outdoor space into an inviting and inspiring schoolyard habitat. From surveying the land, to planning a sustainable and healthy ecosystem, we will have a ripple effect on wildlife and people into the future, much like throwing a stone into a pond. With your unique talents and visions, join us as we survey, plan, dig, move, plant, build, feed, and raise the first PAMS Ecologically sound Outdoor Learning Commons.
OUTREACH—OPERATION SMILE Are you a mover and shaker in your local community? Would you like to be a mover and shaker on the global level? Do you believe that every child your age should be able to smile without being embarrassed or bullied? Do you believe that every child should be able to eat, drink, and talk without difficulty? If you do, you should realize that you can be a part of a local movement that shares your vision. Operation Smile is the organization for you! Getting involved now in helping spread smiles around the world will provide tremendous opportunities not only for your future but also for the future of many of your global peers. Are you ready to make a life-changing decision?