Charlotte Metropolitan GIS User Group NCGIS 2015
Who we are GIS Professionals in the greater Charlotte region Insert a map of your country.
MemberShip All costs covered by sponsorships Insert a picture of one of the geographic features of your country.
EVENTS: QUARTERLY MEETINGS We hold 4 meetings a year, roughly: October January March May Insert a picture illustrating a season in your country.
EVENTS: QUARTERLY MEETINGS Places we’ve been: Freedom Park Blue Planet Duke Energy Explorium Piedmont Natural Gas Schiele Museum MEDIC UNC-Charlotte Various government facilities Insert a picture illustrating a season in your country.
EVENTS: QUARTERLY MEETINGS Insert a picture illustrating a season in your country.
EVENTS: what we do Meetings Socials Presentations Demonstrations Networking Map & App contest Socials Have fun!
EVENTS: Next MEETING Next Meeting Tuesday March 17th 9am – noon at Charlotte Douglas International Airport RSVPs required for TSA screening Insert a picture illustrating a season in your country.
EVENTS: SOCIALS We host several socials a year (3-4) at a variety of locations: Happy hour Geocaching GIS trivia Bowling Picnic & Games Insert a picture of an animal and/or plant found in your country.
EVENTS: NEXT SOCIAL GIS Jeopardy Next Social Thursday March 12th from 5-7pm Wet Willie’s (NC Music Factory) GIS Jeopardy Insert a picture of an animal and/or plant found in your country.
or email me at interested? Find us on: LinkedIn Facebook Insert a picture illustrating a custom or tradition. or email me at